I've been thinking - and that's never a good thing...
Given how Miracle Day finished, there can only be one way for the next series to go - our heroes have to go after The Three Families, and either bring them to justice, or prevent their "Plan B". The "Miracle" was just part of the plan, remember, and there's no way you go ahead with part of the grand scheme if you only have one shot at it, and one route to your objective. Dealing with The Families could provide the background for a full-length series, with a solid main plot-arc running throughout.
Sorry, Russell T. - it's that or nothing. The final part of Miracle Day left too much hanging for anything else to even begin to make any sense. It'd be almost as glaring an ommission as doing nothing to find out what caused the TARDIS to explode in Matt Smith's first season of Doctor Who - an incident not even mentioned in Season 6 so far...
Meanwhile - how Miracle Day could have been improved... Russell T. Davies does like his gay "subtext", and I don't really have any problems with it, but Miracle Day really didn't need the "boyfriend in New York" subplot, which ate up the best part of two episodes. True, it did provide the mechanism for triggering Miracle Day, but there was another way...
...a way going by the name of Owen Harper.
Midway through Season Two of "mainstream" Torchwood, regular cast member Doctor Owen Harper was shot and killed, only to be brought back to life by an artefact in the team's possession, the Resurrection Gauntlet. Harper found himself unable to die but also unable to heal - now, does that sound familiar?
It's exactly what the whole human race experienced on, and after, Miracle Day.
In his final appearance, Owen sacrified himself to shut down a runaway nuclear power-station, being apparently obliterated by the radiation he was exposed to. Could his vapourised remains have found their way into the atmosphere - and how long would it have taken for some infinitesimal amount of him to find its way into every human being on Earth...?
I honestly expected Owen to resurface. It just seemed to fit - yet all we got was his name used as a cover for Jack in Episode 1 of Miracle Day, and if that ten-episode run had become eight, would this season have been more of a triumph?
Hopefully the Torchwood team will get another outing, but that's not 100% certain, by the sound of things.
BONUS! For the best laugh ever,
read the main article, then read this comment, but make sure you have fresh underwear to hand, as you may just p!!! yourself laughing...
Now, to the office, and some story posting...?