Dammit - last night, I just chanced upon "The Cove" - a documentary chronicling the dolphin "fisheries" in Japan, and the way the "product" is mis-sold to the people as more desirable whale meat. This is just the field I work in - and boy am I sick of typing the word "Wakayama". The Japanese whaling industry produce a lot of data, more than anyone else, and guess who's wrangling that for his boss?
I try not to be judgemental, but I really can't manage it. Especially when the "whale meat" in children's lunchboxes is really dolphin or porpoise, with hundreds of times the safe level of mercury in it...
I missed about half of "The Cove", as it wasn't even advertised, and there's no sign of a repeat any time soon, which is a pain in the ass. Why put this on at a sensible time when there are episodes of Friends to repeat ad nauseum, and the latest cookery or "reality" show to ram down people's throats...?
Let's get some sodding perspective here, people.
Meanwhile... Writing continues, and whilst I might not be quite able to complete
TDD-611 ...Final Movement this week, I will get pretty damn close to that mark.