Title: Don’t Flatter Yourself
Pairing: Faris/Josh
Rating: PG-13
POV: 1st; Faris’
patchworkwoundsBeta: None
I’ve always known Joshua was annoying but I never realised he was this annoying. This is the only peace we’re going to get all day and I’m trying to read my book, but for the last ten minutes he’s been bouncing up and down on that chair with the damn squeaky springs. It’s got to the point where I would happily kill him, but I doubt Rhys would approve.
“Must you do that?” I snapped, glaring from under my fringe. Josh just stopped and started at me, not blinking, it was quite unnerving actually. “Do I have something on my face?” Josh leaned forward and peered critically at me. Little fucker.
“You mean other than your huge nose?” I slammed my book shut in anger. He did not just have a go at my nose! I struggled to think of a decent comeback so ended up with
“Oh fuck you.”
“You wish!” he cackled jumping up and standing right in front of me. I was more than annoyed now I was fucking livid.
“Not really.” I re-opened my book and pretended to be engrossed in it.
“Yes you do. I know you want me.”
“Don’t flatter yourself, Joshua.” Josh whined, leaving me feeling rather smug; I seemed to have struck a nerve. I picked up where I’d left off on the page, deliberately ignoring him. Josh huffed and stalked closer to me, seriously his crotch was pressing right against my knee. I turned the page. Suddenly the little volume was flying across the room and I had a lap full of Josh.
“What?! Get off!” I pushed at his shoulders but he didn’t budge, in fact he snatched my hands and squeezed them together. “Oh fuck you.” I hissed. Stop repeating yourself.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Faris.” I gaped at him
“Stop using my fucking words! Y-you thief!” he started to whoop with laughter. So fucking annoying. And heavy. Josh leaned forward and pressed his nose right against mine.
“Tell me you want me and I’ll leave you alone.” I tried to fold my arms but Josh still had my hands crushed together. I settled for and indignant snort.
He pressed his face closer to mine and I leaned away, Josh snickered when I thumped my head against the wall.
“I hate you.” I said conversationally.
“No. You don’t. You like me, you more-than-like me.” His breath was hot across my lips, and it should so not be a turn on. I twisted my hands, trying to get them free, but it was a complete waste of effort.
“Alright, what do you want?” I sighed, defeated.
“A kiss.”
I gapped at him, “What?! You… what?!” He’s finally lost his mind.
“Lost the ability to understand English have you?” Josh cackled, then he pressed our lips together.
It wasn’t even a proper kiss, just his lips soft and yielding against mine. It sent little shocks through me; instinctively I kissed back with a contented ‘hmmm’. Hang on, what the fuck am I doing??? I jerked back my head smacking it against the wall I swore loudly and glared at Josh.
He brushed one long finger over my lips, breath ghosting over my face.
“You want me.” With a soft laugh he slid off my lap and padded across the room, disappearing through the door.
What the fuck just happened?
A/N: So yeah, could be a multi-chapter if anyone is interested.