Mar 29, 2006 12:53
DS went to the new dentist for his initial checkup. He hasn't looked after his teeth properly (sigh) or seen a dentist for about a year. It turns out he needs 2 wisdom teeth removing (1 is badly infected & needed immediate anti-biotics) & Lord knows how many fillings. The dentist won't now take him on as NHS & wants over £600. DS doesn't have the money & I can't afford to sub him so spent ages on NHS Direct only to find that not one single dentist in Milton Keynes is taking on new NHS adult patients! Some will see you as an NHS emergency but won't sign you up. I was so angry, I wrote to the local Primary Care Trust & asked how people with little or no spare money could get affordable dental treatment. I've had a read receipt but no response yet.
DS only saw the new guy as he thought his old NHS dentist wouldn't see him after no going back for so long but DH asked & they will. So DS has another appointment with them on Friday. I feel guilty & that we are somehow cheating the system by doing this though. I suppose DH & I would/will somehow come up with the money if we have to.
What is happening? It seems that the only choice is to pay up. I don't know how dentists are affected by the changes & know they are not charities but I feel it is immoral to deprive those in need of basic oral health advice & treatment but morals have no place in business.
Sorry, just needed to let that out.