Aug 04, 2006 11:00
Ken dumped me
and I am crushed... not just that he dumped me but how he did so. He didnt talk to me or see me for 3 weeks, then called me yesterday while on his way back from his trip and he said
"the enevitable has happened, I must break up with you I will be home tomorrow goodbye" and hung up. He didnt eve pause or stop to listen or anything he just said it straight out.
I cant say that I was IN love with him because that would be just stupid. It was not forever love I mean it wasnt even 2 months, it must have been really strong and a side of lust for him
I know what true love is and I gave mine away
maybe I should just stop looking. I know who my one is and I let him get away
its over for me
maybe I should just give up and call it quits
<)3 Haley Renae