Waiting sucks.

Jan 07, 2012 01:12

You guys, it's going to be six months or some shit until we get some new True Blood.  This shit is not okay.  I mean, it's a succesful show, why the hell don't they just make longer seasons?  Or do two seasons per year?  That way they'd make more money and piss me off less.  Winning all around.  Instead, we've still got about five months until the goddamn season four DVDs even come out, and you guys, waiting sucks.

Speaking of, however, do we know anything yet about the special features of the new DVDs/BluRays?  Like, which characters are doing the character perspective commentary thingies this time around?  My google-fu has failed me and I can't find any info anywhere, and as a spoiler whore, this simply will not do.  If you kjnow anything, please spoil a sister, mmkay?

So I'm kind of hoping it will be Lafayette and/or Pam again, because they were super-awesome in seasons one and two, but so far there's been no repitition.  My guess is that Marcus and Jesus will be involved, because they seem to pick characters that are less central, hence no Sookie/Bill/Eric/Jason/Tara commentaries.  I maintain that Eric and Jason would be fucking hilarious.  Oh, dude, I bet that creepy witch dude, the guy who doesn't know any other people (Roy?) will be one of them.  Or maybe Holly, that would be cool.  Can't be Katerina, she dies too quickly, and Naomi doesn't stick around long enough either.  I'd sort of like to see Terry do it, or, even better, Arlene.  OMG, that would be the best ever ... yeah, I'm totally gonna need Arlene to do the commentary.  That wou.d kick ass.

Waiting.  It sucks.

true blood

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