hot apple juice

Nov 02, 2011 20:07

i don't really have anything to post about. 2 people from my job are going to be fired. one REALLY deserves it and the other... sort of deserves it from bad past experiences in her personal life that managed to filter into work life. see! stay out of trouble kids! that shit always comes back to bite you in the ass big time! going against the law does not help you when you need a job! and the sucky part is that i won't even get to be there when they get fired! it's my day off. i miss all the good stuff. my boss asked me if i like to see people get fired bc i seemed really excited about it. and of course i don't like to see someone lose their job bc jobs are important but i love having the the whole "we need to talk" moments. that's one of the best parts of HR. being part of those convos that only a few people can be in on and know all the details of.

i had a nice plan to spend all day at the library sitting on my ass watching shit on hulu but go figure the fucking library is closed bc some parts of lancaster lost power. i don't know why bc i don't pay attention to anything and don't read the news that often and don't have tv to tell me what is going on but all i know is i am glad that i didn't lose power bc i would be forced to just sleep all day and taking a cold shower would not be that exciting for me. soo i had breakfast at the cafe and i really wanted to stab the lady next to me. someone always ruins my life. i spend too much time by myself. if i had someone else with me i could either be talking about how much i hate all the extra people or i could be talking about something else that would distract me from the annoyances all around me. i don't know why i have to notice everything like that. after the ladies who i hated so much left i felt kind of at a loss bc i couldn't listen in on their boring conversation anymore so then my eyeballs drifted over to another table where some old lady was telling some story she thought was absolutely hilarious BUT she had her mouth full the entire time so it was just gross. i really do try to ignore people's unclassiness sometimes but it has been ground into me since early childhood so i doubt that shit is going to go away now.

so exactly one year ago yesterday i got in my car and drove cross country to start life on my own! yay me. so now that i have been here a year i have managed to keep my job and be promoted into HR but other than that i haven't done much. SO! I was thinking a lot about my goals for this next year and i would like to do a lot more and grow a lot more. soo i let myself have this last year as my adjustment year if that makes any sense. everyone has an adjustment year right? it's the first time where i was completely independent and had only myself to rely on to live. pay for everything. make sure my rent was in on time. take care of my car. feed myself. seems likes super simple things but then you have to remember i was pampered for my whole life. i lived on a pretty nice cushion that my parents provided. but look at me all grown up now! i wonder if this is how my siblings felt when they left home.
my sister told my mom she wants to get reconnected with us again. i think that's cool. it's not that i didn't want to talk to her. i actually made a bigger effort with her than my other siblings. but i told my mom it's not my fault if she cut her and her family off from the rest of us. what do you want me to do? but now she has relocated to North Carolina bc my bro-in-laws job and she seems to want her life to be good again which is awesome. i guess she just needed a change of scenery.

anyways i'm really bored sooo...i should probably eventually leave starbucks and find something mildly exciting to do.
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