Jun 09, 2011 01:12
some guy wanted to add me on fb and i sent him a message saying "do we know each other?" and he replies with "yeah! i go to UNH"
that's...not really the answer i was looking for. maybe i'll send him an innapropriate message and see what happens. life is too short not to have fun.
is it bad i think my boss is attractive? he is growing his facial hair and it looked really sexy today. hahaha i need a boy toy to play with. then i can stop looking at my boss. oh my favorite man candy actually did stop in the store today but i didn't have a convo with him bc i had to much shit to do and i had to pep talk ryan bc our numbers were sucking. oh well. i know he'll be back.
i love stephanie. i think she is really cool. but it's really annoying that she decided to quit, never gave us an offical "i'm quitting" document and then sprains her ankle on her supposed "last day" of work. and now she claims her insurance will not cover her medical expenses so she is using work insurance so now she can't quit for 6 weeks or until her ankle heals "just in case" something worse comes out of the sprain. i asked her if i could just break her ankle really quick bc she said the doctor told her it would have been better to have broken the ankle bc it takes a lot less time to heal and they could just put a cast on it. i was only half kidding when i asked her.
the only reason i'm annoyed is bc if she leaves there is this girl that used to work for us during seaso and she is awesome and i would really like to hire her again. BUT we can't unless stephanie quits. lame! oh well. i sprained my ankle that one time and im sure it was really bad and i told her how the ext day i went walking around on cobble stones and then the only reason i went to the school nurse is bc it hurt to much to hobble to class and they just gave me an ace bandage. sooooo be hardcore about it and just quit! lol
i'm finally going bed shopping! i will finally have a real bed. a bed that doesn't suck and isnt a queen sized hand me down that will take up my entire bedroom! yaaaaay. hopefully by some miracle they can do delivery the same day and then i will be super happy! im going to get memory foam topper and maybe a down topper too and have the squishiest most comfybed ever. oh and i need to get those tshirt material sheets bc they are the bessssst!
i still need to buy internet. i've been too lazy to look for plans. but coming to starbucks and spending time at B&N is getting annoying. especially tonight bc i am noticing every fucking annoying thing that everyone is doing. well actually this happens everytime and i always foret to bring my ear phones bc i dont mind the shitty music they play. but first the guy next to me kept like ocd rubbing his chin and it was really strange. then this child was screaming at the top of it's lungs for a really long time "i waaant it!" and the parents refused to throw that thing outside into the streets. then two guys at the same time decided it was really cool to slurp their coffees with every sip REALLY loudly and NOW this guy threee tables down is breathing all hard and heavy like he just came from gym class or some shit. like... breather quietly or just don't fucking breathe at all. i should just go home but there is this astrology book i want to look at and read all about myself. haha
i got that book Palo Alto by James Franco and i really like it so far. i really like that Russel Brand book i've been reading for almost a year now too but clearly it hasn't been able to grab my attention for more than 5 min at a time, hence why i have not finished that shit yet. haha kind of like that book Lolite. i never finished that. so fucking tedious it makes me want to stab the characters. anyways, i love james franco bc he is awesome and i like the book bc none of the stories have a happy ending. it's all just really simple and thoughtful and tragic.
ok i need to go choke the last breaths out of this heavy breather over here. goodbye.