Jul 23, 2010 01:35
Hey all, figured I'd blog something that I'm pretty passionate about.
Why do I use Linux?
I think that this question is truly multi-faceted, and needs to be answered by answering some why nots.
-Why don't I use Windows?
I'm personally one to stand up to the man and say "Fuck You", but I'm not able to devote all my energy to such an endeavour at this stage in my life, so not using Windows is my rebellious streak coming out. I also hate bloat, and code that hasn't been optimized at all, and is shoved out by market managers to make more $$$. Nothing wrong with making money, but when a product is sub-par, then I start to lose interest.
-Why not Mac?
Everyone and their dog has an iPod, an iMac, a MacBook, or an iPod. iDont like Apple to have that much influence on what my next device will be, nor do iLike limitations on future hardware purchases that will be exorbitantly inflated to line their pockets. Plus, there's no freedom in their products, because there's such a shiny interface covering it all up, and even smaller products, like 3rd party apps for mobile, have to be vetted for content and code...
-Why Linux then?
I like openness. I like when a developer says when they've fucked up and immediately updates code to fix their mess. I like that I can trust that other people like myself (the ones who actually know code at least), will have gone and looked at the code to ensure that my data will not go anywhere it shouldn't. I prefer to not have to worry day to day whether my bloated anti-virus program is up to date, and if it will catch and stop the newest strains of crap trying to force their way onto my computer.
I like freedom. Freedom to modify, correct, and tweak however I want to. Freedom to configure something to look and react exactly as I expect. Freedom to not have a worry of where the CD-Key went, or if the next update will fuck my shit up. If it does fuck up, it's cause I did something or allowed something, or messed with something.
I like free. Some things Linux/UNIX and their variants do cost money, and I have no issue with that. I do however have issue with being required to pay every time a new variant or major update comes along. with Linux, no matter the version, I have confidence that the writers of the code themselves have set a schedule for major updates, and that I will not have my machine held hostage by old software until I can afford it.
I adore the fact that the people who produce open source put their heart and soul into their work. Some do it for a living, some in their spare time. Nearly all however, have pride in the work they do, and don't cut corners just because a product manager tells them the deadline is near.
That's my diatribe for now, and if any questions come up, lemme know.