
Jan 13, 2009 05:13

Hey all,

It's been a while, as I don't know if anyone is actually reading this in LiveJournal anymore, seeing as i post in her thrice a year at most (hence the Facebook and MySpace x-post), but here goes....

I'm in the throes of my usual winter depression.  This go-round (my second year being medicated for it, albeit medicated year-round), I'm on 40 ( Read more... )

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*Continued* . . coco_cutie85 January 17 2009, 10:13:50 UTC
I obviously can not diagnose you or anything Pat, and I don't plan on doing so since I fall WAYY below Doctor standards as you probably already know haha, but I can say that based on reading your passage, you do have stress and stress does cause a tear or two in ANY relationship. You and Tanya share a life together, and sometimes, tension builds up and that IS completely normal, it doesn't affect the love, care and respect that you have grown for each other. Take time out for one another, I know you mentioned lack of money but take walks, play a video game together, watch your favourite movie, something to unwind and take time for each other. A Relationship, can be very frustrating and challenging, but it also defines who you are . . even take ridiculous pictures of one another, something that connects you on the same level. On the money front *le sigh* with the failing economy it's a tough go, but really, you don't need money to make yourself happy . . and you can easily workout without going to the Gym, there are oodles of stretches, crunches and other exercises that you can do at home, $15 monthly sounds ridiculous for that gym anyways! Exercise also, throws tiredness away almost instantly it is the ultimate go-getter, and that doesn't matter if you are running a marathon or jumping rope. Why don't you try Yoga? A proval theraputic, calming and spiritual sport. The DVD's are really cheap and it is very easy to follow along with. The exhaustion is probably due to the increase of stress and it can be very hard to shake. Make sure you stick to a reasonable schedule, go to bed earlier than normal, don't drink coffee after 3PM and introduce more Vitamin C in your diet, STAY AWAY from Energy drinks those things are the devil, Christ when Jeremy drinks those things he's a zombie for 2 days straight!! Anyways . . I don't know too much about constant exhaustion, so I would seek help on that one for sure, sorry! :)

As for work issues, you need to tell them that you are on Medication are you able to take an actual sick leave??? Being committed to a job doesn't work with stress. Have you considered changing positions within your work?? That can often do the trick. Denying you full-time work is unfair in my book, can they legally do that?? I would not be too concerned with the wardrobe issue for the moment, though I suspect this was more of a back-burner problem anyways, it is more important for a family to pay rent, bills and LIVE for now!! As for being noticed, in reality in an office environment you are all in competition with one another, and it can be tedious, fighting for that one prize position, and it does take time, and if you hold out, your dedication will eventually pay off, regardless of any absences. Managers seeks out the conscientious, determined, honest employee. Perhaps try volunteering for various events the company may hold?? As long as you get along with the boss, things should be fine, it is if that relationship goes sour that you need to worry.

Winter is always tough there is a huge lack of motivation for anything, getting up in the morning, is difficult effort or energy often just go by the wayside and you end up going into a slump and feel helpless and when you're stressed these feelings just escalate . . but tell yourself that Winter does not last forever, it will soon be gone and also, don't let Winter ruin your mood have fun with it! Go sledding, or you guys go have a snowball fight (granted when its NOT -40) or even build a snowman!! Oh and don't worry about going to the bar . . it really is not worth it unless you wanna babysit a bunch of kids . . that you don't know or have any connection with whatsoever seriously you feel like a parent going there now, it's actually quite the eye-opener lol, and you don't have to go out with friends, invite them over to your place, hang out with a few smiles, and drinks :) That does wonders for moods and appreciation others have of you, boosting the ol' self esteem, and again, it doesn't have to be every weekend with a low budget, just occasionally.


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