
Jan 13, 2009 05:13

Hey all,

It's been a while, as I don't know if anyone is actually reading this in LiveJournal anymore, seeing as i post in her thrice a year at most (hence the Facebook and MySpace x-post), but here goes....

I'm in the throes of my usual winter depression.  This go-round (my second year being medicated for it, albeit medicated year-round), I'm on 40 ( Read more... )

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el_corbinism January 13 2009, 19:38:29 UTC
Ouch, problems like that across the board are not fun.

Trying to find a schedule that works is frustrating as hell, I'm currently trying to balance near full time status at work, full course load and applying for a couple other jobs while trying to balance a budget.

The one thing I'm finding is that while it's true that attitude is everything, and subconcious is a huge affecter of our lives, it doesn't seem to mean a damn thing if we can't take care of ourselves.

If you can't make it to the gym, maybe start running 3 times a week? It's mostly free, and if you can start losing pounds and getting some muscle, it might do a lot for your self esteem/self image. Also, pushups, situps, and those exercises where you crouch and stand (I can't remember what they are called) are free everywhere.

Diet is another big thing, if you have really bad acid reflux, I hear it's usually caused by stress, but spicy foods can really aggravate it. Maybe switch to more plain foods? And if it's stress, try meditating (I don't know if you do or not)

I'm not on LJ as much as I used to be, but you can email me anytime, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.


pat_man23 January 15 2009, 12:38:43 UTC
Lunges do you mean? And you're sorta right, in that spice does aggravate it, but oddly enough, more from heavily spiced things like curries than from capsaisin-hot spicy. Acidy stuff like cranberry sets me on overdrive as well, but not the godsend of caffeine...and meditation- maybe I should do that instead of raiding Naxx :-P


el_corbinism January 15 2009, 16:17:53 UTC
SQUATS! I was sitting in the middle of class the other day when I remembered the name. I damn near stood up and shouted it out...

Well, oddly enough, I'd recommend you quit drinking coffee, bit by bit. You'll find that at first it sucks, but after a couple weeks you'll wonder how you ever functioned on it. Talk to your doctor (Or whomever prescribed you the medicine for acid reflux) about a plan to ween you off those.

Never heard of Naxx, but a quick Google search tells me it's a dungeon in Wrath of the Lich King. Naxxramas or something. (I haven't made it that far in the game yet! I haven't had time to play lately). Maybe if your play time is giving you stress, it's time to limit some of it? I don't know how much you play, at my most wow intensive times I was on for 6 hours a day, but on average it was more like 6-10 hours a week. Try dropping an hour or 2 a night from playing? Most guilds have a schedule for raiding, so maybe you could set aside those nights for your play time.

Maybe even meditate while everyone is resting! Some people have the ability to meditate while doing something repetetive that requires little effort. I don't have a knack for it, but maybe you could meditate while playing? Just try regulating your breathing, or even concentrating on it. I'm sure there are lots of websites on it.

Good luck! And remember, grain of salt with any advice. This all works for me, talk to a professional about plans for getting healthy.


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