Jul 22, 2005 02:34
i had the crazy coolest day ever! so this morning we went to visit Ben at work on the Universal studios lots and he gave us a tour in his golfcart hehe....anyway so we got to see wisteria lane!!! and set production setting up this one pre made town that was used for back to the future but they were putting up the "trees" holy crap they looked so real. Then we saw CSI cool.
afterwards we went straight to scripps.....i <3 it---ive decided its probably between smith and scripps for my number one school.
after that we came back to the belair hotel and when i went to go running on the treadmill guess who walks in....HANK AZARIA....mom and i saw him yesterday walking his dog who was adorable by the way but anyway he went onto the treadmill next to me and he started talking to me about dogs because he remembered me from the previous day as "the girl who oogled at his dog." but he was sooooooooooooo nice i told him how great he was in spamalot and he told me all about how much fun he has been having performing in it and everything...so that was actually the coolest run ever!
this hotel is unbelievable its got twelve acres of beautiful tropical gardens and massivo swans (i named them bob, tony, fred, hank,gretchen, and glinda.....i thought those were fun names to name swans. anyway this place is GORGEOUS its where all the celebs stay. Hank Azaria is staying here right now and at lunch yesterday we saw some famous director (i didnt knowhim but my mommy did)
so scripps was unbelievable and once again im lost in my quest of Smith vs. Scripps. mom actually likes scripps more because its a small school in a big school (like smith but its all actually one massive campus) i walked around pomona after my scripps tour and its UNBELIEVABLE. so pretty. an hour away is like miller field or moller, miller? wutever but its the west coast national field hockey training facility and there are TONS of teams that play there!
Tomorrow im going to see UC santa barbara. im excited the bio dept there is supposed to be amazing and the school is supposed to be gorgeous.
but ok in one day i saw wisteria lane and worked out with hank azaria...pretty damn cool.
tomorrow ben is making an original movie idea pitch to Mark Platt...lets keep our fingers crossed
lastly, i totally miss someone....im such a dork hehe but i do <3 and i realized i said something enigmatic in my last entry that i should i have cleared up. im sorry