
Oct 21, 2013 17:37

I am definitely interested in the proofs anyone here can offer regarding the existence of self-aware intellects other than my own.

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fieryphoenix October 21 2013, 21:59:00 UTC
Proofs of this sort are usually either eloquent and simple or mind-numbingly complex. Neither knowing the likelihood of each nor knowing how to even begin to determine it, I can only operate on the assumption that it's a 50/50 shot. The short and simple route by definition limits the effort necessary to a very manageable sum, while the complex one might not even contain an upper bound. Assuming a random length between a bit longer than the short proof and infinity, we can assume the median likely length is half of infinity, which for all intents and purposes is still infinity. The most prudent route, then, is to affirm that I am a self-aware intellect, and that this is so because it has been said by a self-aware intellect, and subsequently challenge the ground on which anyone could credibly question said statement by questioning the veracity of their own self-aware intellect.

"Because I solipsistically said so!"


pastorlenny October 21 2013, 22:12:48 UTC
Oh, I'm already convinced that I don't exist.


lafinjack October 21 2013, 22:49:57 UTC
Why should I prove I exist to someone I can't prove exists?


pastorlenny October 22 2013, 00:50:31 UTC


fieryphoenix October 25 2013, 00:45:18 UTC
Would you do it for a Scooby Snack?


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