As anyone who reads this probably already car was stolen Tuesday night. From the outside I appear distraught, but on the inside I am an emotional wasteland. This has destroyed me. I almost hate saying that because it was just a car...and cars are things and things can be replaced but I can't kid myself... Billy was my life. I loved him
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Yesterday I had my interviews to keep my position at work. I was signed off so now they're stuck with me, or I'm stuck with them, either way. On the bright side, I get better benefits, more holiday pay, and another raise. Go me
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My favorite time is after midnight. We're lying in bed and all I can make out in the dark is the faint line of your body beside mine. We face the opposite directions and talk nonsense. Occassionally your feet will find mine under the blankets. I love those talks. They're never important. Never extraordinary. But they are the most perfect
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So I am in the apartment now. I have cable. I have the internet. I have phish food ice cream and coke. All is right with the world. Except I have not taken a shower yet because I was waiting on the cable maybe I should go do that. After I walk and check the mail
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Moving sucks. Carrying shit up three flights of stairs sucks. Creepy old guys that stare suck. Weird neighbors that call you weird suck. Not having a pump for your air mattress sucks. But it's so nice to have a place to call my own
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So after trying quite unsuccessfully to get into my apartment I break down and head to the office. I'm hot, I'm sweaty, I really had to pee and I was pissed off. Then I wait for them to make new keys. I go back to my apartment, open the door and I swear it has to be a billion degrees in the place. J didn't turn the air on. It's 95 in the apartment
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Well, I move out in...five days, officially. Although we will probably start taking things over when we get the keys on Tuesday. Things I have to do until then
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I hate my closing weekends. Four nights in a row is murder. Today will be night three...which shouldn't be so bad because we close at nine. Then all I have to do is close tomorrow night and I will be off on Tuesday. And guess what happens on Tuesday? We get the keys to our apartment! That's right, we found a place
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Last night we went shopping and 300 dollars later we have *almost* everything. Still need a microwave and toaster and probably other odds and ends. Cleaning supplies and food to eat. More towels and such. But with what we have we can survive for a good amount of time. I just wish I didn't have to work this weekend so we could go apply for places. I
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