Farewell, Mr Tan...

Mar 31, 2005 00:34

    A wise man once told me that "once a teacher, always a teacher". This was mentioned to me in the context that when someone teaches you something, he/she becomes your teacher for life. And that (emphasis on using a conjunction at the beginning of a sentence) automatically entitles him/her your unconditional respect and gratitude. I have tried my best to uphold that lesson and have kept it in my heart all these years. The guy who told me this even joked that "when your teacher/s die/s, you should cry". I recall laughing and thinking how silly that statement was. But now faced with that reality, I find it hard to do otherwise. This morning, Mr. Benson Tan, a teacher, but more importantly, a friend (even for a brief period of time), passed away due to a heart attack (as I was told). I make this post as a tribute to him, a sign of gratitude for all that he has taught me (especially about life). Forgive me sir that I can't be there and pay my respects, I hope and pray that you are in a better place. Thank you and I will never forget you.

Goodbye, Mr. Tan
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