We went to the beach today. I don't think I'm ever going to get tired of going to the beach. It was so beautiful. It was cloudy out, so it didn't feel like your skin was going to burn off.
I miss everyone. I keep thinking how I wish I could experience this with everyone. OR ANYONE of my friends. It gets lonely out here sometimes. I have a lot of fun, but I can't help thinking about all my Arizona friends. There is so much randomness out here. I don't even know if randomness is a word, but it is now. Did you know that you can send a coconut in the mail? Just put some postage on it and an address and you can send a coconut in the mail. Thats awesome. Or did you know that there is Spam out here everywhere? You can buy ready made spam out here at 7-11's like they are hot dogs. Another awesome fact I learned is that the bars close out here at 4am. Thats two extra hours of "Keeper of Stars". Sometimes I wonder how easy its going to be to get back in the swing of things with everybody. I mean, six months is a long time. A lot can and will happen that I won't be a part of. I guess I'm kinda scared that I will eventually be replaced with some other loud girl that will take my place at all the Dance Party USA's that we... uh I mean YOU have or that will have an even bigger, better Vegas yell. I know that it is stupid to think like this and that I sound like a twelve year old, but I can't help it sometimes. I guess I'm just starting to miss everyone a little bit more everyday.