What the hell?

Dec 05, 2005 20:11

In the midst of my researching for a paper about the impacts of the largely meat-eating society of the U.S. on land resources in comparison with the impacts of a vegetarian diet, I came across one of those eye-catching aol welcome page headlines: "'Too Graphic' to See on T.V.: Networks Reject Joaquin's Spot for PETA"

the banned video

Is this ridiculous, or what? Censorship like that, finding it "too graphic" for t.v.? Then the supermarkets should be deemed too graphic and shut down. The average American dinner table should be deemed too graphic and anyone under the age of 18 shouldn't be allowed at it. Are they really that afraid of hurting the country's precious meat industry? Yes, apparently they are.

Need we list the countless commercials and shows throughout this whole holiday time (and throughout the rest of the year too, of course) that show nice greasy full-frontal closeups of meat, but because their subject matter is about how wonderfully delicious and irresistable it all is, they remain absolutely everywhere on television..from cooking shows, to holiday features on talk shows to commercials for everything from KFC to Jewel to so many others.

How do they even see that ad as overly graphic or unfit for television? Geez.


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