Back to school..............

Aug 26, 2005 21:48

I will now be a full-time student again and a part-time worker. My first class at Northeastern starts tomorrow. I'll be working MWF and commuting to school Tues., Thurs., Sat.

My schedule is:

G&ES 363S Fld. Exp.: Chicago River Issues S 10:50am - 1:30pm
CMT THEA 130 Introduction to Theatre T R 10:50am - 12:05pm
G&ES 318 Conservation of Natural Resources T R 12:15pm - 1:30 pm
LING 120 Language & Human Behavior T R 2:50pm - 4:05pm

G&ES stands for Geography and Environmental Studies, btw, my major department.

That's 12 credits..I was going to maybe add another class, but none fit in during the TR break, and there are none offered after my Saturday class. I could add one later on TR, but I don't even know what to add. I never did get in touch with the environmental studies person, and I'm not sure if things beyond the basic list can count as gen eds (it seems like higher level classes should, but they very well might not.."Only courses included on the Limited List of Courses during the term of enrollment (published in the Schedule of Classes) are applicable towards the General Education requirements." Ok, that might answer my question.")

So I'm hoping it'll go smoothly, I'll stay motivated enough, and that what I'm learning will seem interesting and worthwhile to me.

It seems weird that I can't find any course descriptions at all.. not even those little meaningless blurbs you typically find in course catalogs.
Ooh actual little description
G&ES-318 Conservation of Natural Resources, 3 cr. Historical approach toward understanding concepts, principles and problems in the management of natural resources: air, water, minerals, soil, forest, grasslands, and wildlife.
That sounds good, like what I want to be learning.

G&ES-363 Field Experience, 3 cr. Investigation of a variety of specific geographic and environmental issues such as water resources;waste; environmental health; environmental law and economics. Classroom and field experiences. Consult the schedule of classes for specific topics. Prereq.: twelve hours in geography or environmental studies.
Um..I need 12 hours credit before taking that? I didn't know that.. but if you take the geography and environ. science classes I took at Iowa State, I would have enough. I just don't know that Northeastern'll see it that way. Hmm.

LING-120 Language and Human Behavior, 3 cr. Introduction to basic principles of psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics. Subjects covered may include dialect variation, language and the brain, child language acquisition, language and gender, conversational analysis, non-verbal behavioral, pidgins and creoles, and sign language. The course is designed for students having no background in linguistics.

And I was thinking at first Intro. to Theater was like acting I, but they have a separate class for I guess it's learning about the theater or some suchness. Eh..I think I'd rather act. But it should be easy one would assume.

It's not like I want really difficult stuff, esp. in trying to get back into school and get remotivated, something I lost after the past few years..(or so). I just want the subjects to be worth learning, ya know?

Also, did radio get pretty crappy since I moved my boombox across my room (oh yeah, I reorganized my room last weekend..I felt like I needed a change in here), or am I just spoiled by internet radio?
Anyone have a yahoo station? I'll check it out if you give me your yahoo id. Mine (under my company's name, but I do almost all the rating on it) is eauctiondeals4u.

Here goes my..8th school (if you count preschool all the way up to now).

part-time work, radio, northeastern, neiu, school

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