Butter On A Summer Day

Apr 22, 2006 03:10

Ok kids,

This is going to be my last real journal entry for the time being because I’ll be outta college in a very short while, and thus have no more fast internet connection. :( I’m not sure how often I’ll make new entries or if I even will over the summer, so if you’re reading this now then you best come visit me as often as possible while I’m back!!

I should be back home on the night of Thursday, April 27th.

My number is 248-887-3675. Give it a call sometime.

I’m not sure exactly how long I’ll be working there, but I’ll probably go back to Burger King for the time being because they pay all right and I’ll most likely be getting decent hours.

So I have some great news! I got the position in my Enterprise for next semester. I’ll have an entire team working under me to finish up the game, Final Odyssey, which I was working on this semester. You’re reading the blog of the new Team Leader for Final Odyssey. This is gonna be some work…

I saw Silent Hill tonight and the only thing that I’m going to say about it is that it was freakin’ sweet!! Go see it right now. What are you still doing reading this…. I said for you to go and see it! I was originally going to write a review on it, in which I would reveal a bunch of spoilers for those who chose to read it, but I don’t have a whole lot of time because I’m getting tired and morning is on its way here. I have to put all my shit in storage later on today. :(

My X girlfriend is having a baby!! Don’t worry all, it’s not mine. Phew…. bet that had you goin’ for a second. I’m excited for her, but in the same sense I’m worried that she might jeopardize her future by doing this. It’s her choice to make, the only thing that I can do is provide advice for her on the subject. My advice… if she doesn’t want to get an abortion and avoid the whole thing then she should give birth to the child, by Cesarean Section, and then put it up for adoption. Though I don’t agree that putting the child up for adoption is necessarily the best thing to do, if she doesn’t want to kill a part of her then I see it as the better of two other options.

Finals week is getting closer by the minute and classes have ceased to exist right now. I know for certain that I got a B in Linear Algebra. I’m sad that I didn’t manage to pull off an A though. I worked hard for that B. It was the last exam that killed it though. I couldn’t manage to finish all of the questions because of my lack of time. I had another exam to go to in the same night. They were back-to-back 2 hour exams. How shitty is that? So I had to leave early in order to get to the other one on time, and in doing so I was unable to finish the Linear Alg. Test. Oh well...

My Finals consist of Digital Logic, Calculus II, and Computer Science. I’m not so confident on the first two, but I think that I’ll do just fine on the last one. Too bad that my CS final is on Wednesday at 8 in the freakin’ morning! That is gonna cause me to lose focus easily.

I’m so sick of things being so predictable in my life. Hopefully this summer we can shake things up a bit.

"Echo, my voice is an echo
of places I don’t know
and stories I’ve been told.

Echo. We all are connected
a lighthouse a voyage
for history’s sake,
will you please take notice?"

^ The Hush Sound - Echo
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