Apr 19, 2005 19:28
Man, right now, things are chill. There are things that are bad, but im not gonna let that shit get to me anymore. Like report cards are commin, and yeah im gonna get bitched at, but i read somewhere, that a few years later you'll laugh at how emotional you got or whatever. And i look back at the times i screwed up on, and lauigh. Now its time to just laugh while crap is happenin.
Anyways, guy-wise things are chill. Its the best word to describe it. There is this one guy, he's in my 3rd period class, hes cool, and he can sing amazing,and he doesnt act all desperate and shit lke some of my other ex-es. wE'RE not going out yet or anything, but we're bound to. And hes nice, plus has got a nice face. But i fall more for guys with personality.HE IS NOT A FRESHMAN. i dont date freshman. period. most are too immature (i sad MOST not ALL). Ha. And when i walked by him, he turned around to stare at my ass..haha..atleast he doenst do hide it, i dont like it when guys hide things.it annoys me. so yeah im kinda happy that theres a guy whos nice, hot, and has talent. I mean, there was this other guy i kinda liked, but i dunno,he's probally got other stuff right now and thats all cool.....anyways, now aside from guys...
Another good thing, it was kinda senti-mental. My friend Sascha lost a close family member because of smoking. So, after a week of me bitching about not having a ciggarette, and now Im in my second week, Sascha asked me if i quit. I told her I did, because she noticed how bitchy i was the last week, and when i told her i quit, she eccstatically ran up to me and hugged me. twice. and then she gave me this intensive look in my eye while telling me how happy she was i quit, where then i saw how much she ment it. we dont even know eachother that much, and she showed so much emotion, and how much this meant to her. Im really happy i quit. It was just this special moment, that ill never forget.
Also another thing, ive been way more positive then,say, 2 months ago. Hahaha i told Mack that hes a cinceited dickhead. I cant belelive he said "You only liked me, cause you thought i was hot". HE IS NOT HOT AND I ONLY USED TO LIKE HIM FOR HIS PERSONALITY.BUT hes soo stupid.my gawd..hes soo stupid,its hilarious. anyways he can live his sad life, HAHA..im too glad i broke up with him..i knmow, it was 2 months ago, but i cant stop lauging about it.
Well its time for me to stop writting, and to shallow up a bit..ive been too deep lately with all this existential, philosophical shit ive been struggling with. I hafta learn how to keep it not too shallow and not too deep. Its funny, to most people i appear like a shallow girly-girly, ditz, and dont get me wrong, i love acting like a ditz, but sometimes i just dont think people know who i really am and what i think. anyways i gotta keep it real now.
ur one and only german slut. hahaha.
mwahz 4 life.