
Oct 29, 2012 23:25

ok so since no one wrote any Bomb Girls fic for the challenge I posted, I decided to try doing one myself.

Problem: my muse is a fickle fickle mistress and has a bad case of the ooo shinys.

I need a beta that can help me figure out some plot stuffs and try to keep my muse somewhat within the designated play area. lol Patience is a must as I tend to get kind of flighty when it comes to finishing stories.

This is going to be a Betty/Gladys hurt/comfort fic with adult content. I need someone that has actually seen the show and can tell me when I seem out of character. Please keep in mind, this is a work in progress and I am unsure of how long the final story will be. It is is rough form right now.

All of this summarizes into....I need a literary babysitter. :-P

So...any takers?

request, bomb girls, fic, beta

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