I Love You (second part to I Hate You)

Sep 10, 2010 18:01

This is a sequel to I Hate You.  You may wanna read I Hate You first just so you know what's going on.  This is written by twinluvsotalia

I Hate You ---->  g8rsfan.livejournal.com/9905.html

Disclaimer: I don't own these ladies, just the words!


Natalia's POV

It’s been three weeks and two days since I left. I know that I was wrong for not saying anything to anyone….especially her. Our journey hasn’t been easy but it’s been ours and we have shared so much and became a family. I love her. It took me forever to say it to her but I don’t regret anything…except this…leaving her.

I had to. I had to come back here, to this city, to this house. I couldn’t move forward in my relationship with her or fix the one with my son until I faced the first thing that ever made me run. Run like I did three weeks and two days ago. I came to Chicago to face my parents after 21 years. I had to let them see that they didn’t break me, yes I made mistakes in the time I’ve been away but I am still here, I’m strong and I will be strong no matter what.

I left, without saying a word to anyone. In my head I made myself believe it was the right thing to do. Inside, my heart was screaming to go back, turn back around, talk to her because she’d understand, she’d support you. But I didn’t listen, I couldn’t.
This was something I had to do for myself, for my life, for my family, for her. I had to face this so I could go back to Springfield, my home, to my love. She has taught me so much, she has taught me how to fight for what I want, stand up for myself and to always have faith that I can be better than I’ve been before. Sadly enough I did not use that faith when I left like I did.

We were supposed to start the rest of our lives, make the statement that we were a real family, we loved each other and always would. I told her I would be there, I could hear the excitement in her voice that day. Emma was so excited. I love that little girl, like I said once before, I’d die for that kid but I hurt her, I never meant to hurt her, my son, Olivia, anybody. I’m coming home. I have to fix what I broke.

Three weeks and two days is one day too long. I’ve closed a chapter in my past to clear the way for my future. Olivia is my future. I know I hurt you, I’m so sorry for that. I have to fight, I know I do and I am prepared to. This time away has made me so much stronger. I love you and I’m coming home…home to you and I will fight for us. I know you hate me but I love you.

guiding light

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