I Hate You (an Otalia one shot)

Sep 03, 2010 18:03

Title: I Hate You
Author: Mieesha R.
Show: Guiding Light
Pairing: Olivia/Natalia
Rating: PG-13 (cause someone's cussing)
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters.  BUT I do own the thoughts.

Summary: Natalia left Olivia.  Olivia is pissed.  Olivia's POV

A/N: I was upset yesterday, so I wrote an angry story.  Don't like it?  Don't read it.

A/N: There will be a 2nd and 3rd part to this.

I Hate You

Three weeks. That’s how long it has been since you left. Left without so much as a goodbye. Left without saying anything. Nothing.

Wow. One minute I’m the love of your life. The next I’m what? Nobody. Just another person you left. Evidently, you never cared at all because if you did, I’m fairly certain I would have gotten some kind of a heads up. But I didn’t.

So, here I am. Balled up in a corner, talking to myself. Drinking myself into oblivion. The alcohol is the only thing that makes the pain stop.

I hate you for what you’ve done. I never thought there would be a day when I would use hate and you in the same sentence, but it came. I want to scream to the world how much I hate you. I hate that I fell in love with you. I hate that I cared about you. I hate that I let you see me. The real me.

I feel like a fucking joke. I sat here and let you get inside my head. Inside my heart. I let you break down all my walls that I strategically put up over the years.

God, what the fuck am I doing here? I need to get the fuck up and dust my shoulders off. Forget about you. But no. I have to let these feelings out.

I’m gonna stay right here, in this corner, and cry my eyes out. Not because I love you or miss you, but because I hate you. This hate is deep within me. I doubt I’ll get over it, but can you blame me?

I wonder how you would feel if one day you found out I just up and left you. You probably wouldn’t feel a thing cause you didn’t care in the first place. But that doesn’t matter now, does it? Because you left me and now I’m the one here having the breakdown.

Fuck, if I had the chance to hurt you like you have hurt me, I would do it in a fucking heartbeat. No questions asked because the way I feel right now is capable of making me do anything.

I’m angry. So fucking angry. I need to stop this shit though. I have to get my shit together. I have a kid to raise. The kid that you claimed as yours. Yeah, you forgot about her. She’s in just as much pain as me. She may not hate you, but that’s just cause I tell her not to.

I’m not that rude. But I can be. Try me.

I’m done. I’m finished thinking about you. I’m over talking to myself about you. I hate you. End of story.

The End

guiding light, otalia

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