
Mar 23, 2011 17:32

Title: Alone
Author: Mieesha R.
Show: Guiding Light
Pairing: Olivia/Natalia
Rating: PG-13 (cause someone's cussing)
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. BUT I do own the thoughts.

Summary: Natalia is fed up with Olivia's drinking

A/N: All mistakes are mine


I find myself alone again. Alone because yet again you have run off because of an argument. Just like you always do. You didn't run off to think like a rational person. No. You ran off so you can drink yourself into oblivion hoping to forget tonight, but it's not that simple. You can't always run away from your problems.

"Dammit Olivia!" I find myself talking to an absent you. You always do this and I'm the one that ends up having to hunt you down and clean up your mess.

I angrily push a strand of hair out of my face. "I'm tired of your crap. This is the last time." I tell myself. But I say that every time. Don't I? Not anymore.

"This is the last time!" I yell in an empty room.

I grab my jacket and head out the house. The pouring rain is cool against my skin and it helps me calm down just a little.

I get in the car and head towards your favorite place: Towers.

Just thinking about the way you acted pisses me off. I am so angry right now that I don't even realize how tight I am gripping this steering wheel until my hand starts to cramp up. Why the hell do you always have to run off to drink?!

I love you Oliva. More than anything, but you've put me through so much. I don't think I can do this anymore.

"Fuck, Olivia! Dammit! You don't think about nobody but yourself! I'm on the verge of tears.

I pull up to Towers coming to a screeching halt. I jump out not even bothering to shut the car off.

I storm into Towers and there you are. Standing in the middle of the floor acting like a fool. Talking trash to any one who is and isn't listening.

I walk over to where you are, tapping you on the shoulder to get your attention.

"What the F-F?!" You begin in your drunken stupor. This has to be the drunkest you have ever been. Your breath reeks of alcohol.

"Olivia, what the hell is wrong with you?!" I ask angrily. I can already feel people's eyes on us.

"I'm great!" You drunkenly answer, struggling to stay upright.

I grab you and try to pull you with me towards the door. "Come on, I'm taking you home" You pull away from me.

"Leave me the hell alone!"

I'm so tired of this shit, I'm about to blow the fuck up.

"You know what Olivia?!" Now everyone in here has their eyes on us and I really don't give a damn. "I'm tired of your shit" "I put up with your shit everyday and this is how I get repaid?!" I grab your drink and throw it in your face. "What is wrong with you? Dammit Natalia!" You say, stumbling towards the napkins. "Nothing is wrong with me but something is definitely wrong with you. Why do you always run off and drink when we have an argument?! I'm tired of it Olivia! I can't take it anymore. Either you stop drinking or I'm leaving you"

You look at me with a look of disgust on your face. "You think I give a fuck if you leave me?!" The pain in my chest immediately starts up. "I don't need you Natalia" The tears begin forming in my eyes. "I was fine without you before and I'll be fine without you again" I am way past mad. Way past angry. My heart is broken. I am irate. "Leave Natalia. I don't need you"

The tears are coming down uncontrollably. The pain in my chest is unbearable. I look up into your eyes hoping to find the person I fell in love with, but I don't see that person anymore. I wipe at my eyes trying to stop the tears. I won't cry. Not for you.

No other words need to be said. I do what you want. I leave you. Standing in Towers. Alone.


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