Sordid Affairs 27/?

Jul 20, 2009 15:23

Title: Sordid Affairs
Author: outuendo_11
Rating: PG-13
Show: Guiding Light
Pairing: Spolfe, Mactalia 
Summary: Olivia and Natalia struggle to make their relationship work with Rafe at home and Olivia finds a confidant in Doris Wolfe.
A/N: If you're behind you can go here> and I've posted links to all the other chapters. :)
A/N: Yay, I'm glad everyone enjoyed the funeral. I certainly did ;) ha...and now life goes on...I hope you continue to enjoy!!! :) Keep those comments coming and I'll keep the story coming. I'm thinking we might get up to 40 chapters? Maybe? Close to 40? It'll be crazy. So let me know you still want! Sorry this is so short, but...well you get a Mactalia first...and as for Mackenzie...I'm not sure I can find a picture and I think it's up to the reader to make up their own perfect lady for Natalia. All I know is that she has gorgeous long brunette hair and hazel mean I can search for a picture, but I haven't found anyone really...I'll look again...mkay enjoy...Sorry to leave you for a weekend!

Chapter 27

Ashlee had spent hours primping for her date with Derek. She had kept in touch with him while she’d been in San Francisco, texting him at least fifty times a day. He said he missed her and couldn’t wait to see her again.

She was glad when he’d asked her out to dinner the night following Frank’s funeral. She was so ready to see him again and needed a distraction from the mourning public.

As she walked down the stairs, she ran into her mother. Doris was walking towards the kitchen with a folder in hand and her glasses sliding down her nose. She immediately looked Ashlee over and smiled. “You look beautiful, Ashlee.”

“Thanks mom.” Ashlee grinned.

“Is he picking you up?” Doris inquired, reaching out to straighten her daughter’s shirt out and smoothed down her hair.

“Yes. He should be here soon.” Ashlee nodded, checking her phone to see if he had texted her yet.

“All right, well…” Doris stepped back to give her daughter another once over. “Are you sure you don’t want something to eat before you leave?”

“Mother…I’m going out to eat. I don’t want to eat before I leave.” Ashlee sighed, hating when her concerned mother doted upon her.

“You’re going out?” Olivia asked, coming from around the corner.

“Yes, with Derek.”

“Oh! Well you look gorgeous.” Olivia smiled.

“Thank you.” Ashlee laughed.

“You look very pretty.” Emma cried, racing around the corner and in to Ashlee’s arms.

“You think so Emma?”

“Yes.” Emma grinned.

“When is he going to get here?” Olivia asked, reaching out to gently caress Doris, missing the feel of her body. They’d been all too busy that day catching up with their work that they’d hardly seen one another. Olivia missed the contact and she could see Doris visibly relaxing once she’d touched her.

“He should be here any minute now.” Ashlee was wringing her hands together, staring distractedly out the front door.

“I’m sure he’s coming.” Emma went to Ashlee and reached out for her hand, peering out the window to watch with Ashlee.

“Me too, Em.” Ashlee nodded.


“Mackenzie?” Natalia’s voice was soft. She was sitting alone in her bedroom. Rafe was off with Buzz, having a boy’s night out, celebrating Frank’s life. She was once again by herself and feeling quite downright lonely.

Her entire being was screaming to be touched, to be held. She didn’t want to be alone. And she felt like she hadn’t fully apologized for her behavior at the funeral. She didn’t want Mackenzie to think that she was trying to push her away. If anything, Natalia needed Mackenzie. Right then.

“Nat, what’s wrong? Are you all right?”

“I’m fine…I…” Natalia pulled her legs up to her chest.

“No…honey, do you want to come over? The kids are asleep…”

“Yes,” Natalia nodded, but then realized that perhaps coming over in the middle of the night might not be the best idea. The way she was feeling…

“Don’t worry about it, Natalia. I’ll just make you a nice cup of decaf coffee and we’ll sit and talk. All right?”

Natalia nodded her head in response, but soon realized that Mackenzie couldn’t see her. “I’ll be there in ten.”


“He’s here!” Ashlee exclaimed.

“Well good! Have a good time, sweetheart.” Doris smiled, kissing her daughter goodbye, watching as she left as quickly as possible to rush to Derek’s waiting car. “Be safe,” Doris whispered after her.

“She’ll be fine,” two arms wrapped around her middle and gentle lips caressed the bare skin on her neck.

Her eyes fluttered closed as she watched the taillights of Derek’s car recede off in to the distance. “Hmm…” Doris was incoherent. Their wild night after the funeral quickly came flooding back to her and her core began throbbing. “Mmm…Liv,” Doris turned in her embrace, wrapping her arms around the other woman.

“Hey, Doris.” Olivia whispered against her lover’s lips.

“Yes?” Doris inquired through kisses.

“I think we’re due for a date.”

“Like a date…date?” Doris’ eyebrow raised.

“Yeah, like a night without the girls,” Olivia took Doris’ hands into her own, “with some candles…”

“Uh huh…”



“And maybe the pool…” A sneaky glint in Olivia’s eye appeared and Doris closed the gap between their lips.

“The pool?”

“Yeah, the pool…” Olivia grinned.


They quickly parted, turning to see a curious Emma staring at them, watching them.

“Yes, Emma?” Olivia moved towards her daughter.

“You guys were kissing.” Emma observed.

“We were.” Her worried expression quickly replaced by a sly grin. “Is there something wrong with that?”

“No.” Emma shook her head, a smile forming on her childish features. “I don’t like it when you kiss.”

Olivia started laughing and moved to race after Emma. “Get out of here!” She playfully called, attempting to reach at Emma before the little girl ran screaming and laughing up the stairs.

Once her daughter was up the stairs and out of sight, Olivia turned and abruptly sat down on the stairs.

Doris’ smile was quickly replaced with a concerned look as she watched Olivia put her hand over her heart. “Olivia?”

Olivia’s eyes, which had momentarily snapped shut, opened again and she shook her head. “I’m okay. I’m okay. Don’t worry.”

But Doris was kneeling in front of her, the folder she’d been carried and the glasses she’d been wearing were on the floor beside her. “No you’re not.” Doris put her hand against Olivia’s chest, feeling her racing heart.

“It’ll pass…just…just give it a second.” Olivia took a deep breath, a smile breaking out on her momentarily cloudy visage. “I’m fine…I just got a little winded.”

Doris shook her head. “We need to get you to the hospital.”

“Doris…I’m fine. Really. This…it happens sometimes. I have some pills…in the…in the bedroom.”

Doris gave her a look, but then shook her head. “All right, but if this happens again…”

“It won’t.”

“If it does, we’re going to the hospital.” Doris willfully stated.

“Fine.” Olivia rolled her eyes. “Now help me up and let’s go…finish…what we started…”

Doris got to her feet and reached out both hands for her lover. “Are you sure you’re up…”

And before she could complete her sentence, Olivia’s lips were on her own again.


They were sitting on Mackenzie’s couch, coffee cups in hand.

Natalia felt warm and comfortable. The feeling of being alone had all but vanished and warmth had invaded all her senses. She was glad to be alone with Mackenzie, glad to have their closeness. Mackenzie had captured her hand and was holding it, her thumb running back and forth against Natalia’s soft skin. Natalia was lost in hazel eyes.

She sat her coffee cup down, surprised at how comfortable their silence was. Without inhibition, Natalia reached out and stroked Mackenzie’s hair, feeling the softness of brunette locks between her fingers. Mackenzie’s skin was soft beneath Natalia’s touch and she wanted more. Her body was raging with contained emotions that Natalia had spent over a year trying to hold in. She didn’t want this relationship to end the way her relationship with Olivia had.

She wanted to give her all, throw caution to the wind, forget what everyone expected of her and just be with Mackenzie. Her poor showing at the funeral reception needed to be rectified and so without thought Natalia leaned forward and brushed her lips against Mackenzie’s.

It was not the longing, distant kiss she had shared with Olivia. It was not the rough, horrible kisses that Frank had once bestowed upon or, nor was it a loving kiss from Gus. This kiss was something entirely different.

This kiss sent waves of shock racing through Natalia’s system and she wanted to kiss Mackenzie again and again. Hesitant lips moved forward once more, brown eyes questioning hazel, asking for permission. Mackenzie leaned slightly forward, capturing Natalia’s lips in her own. Their kiss was covered in coffee and trepidation. The softness of lips was surprising but expected and Natalia reached up to brace Mackenzie’s cheek, to pull her closer.

Natalia fell into the kiss, her whole being shaken to the core as Mackenzie’s lips collided with her own. Uncensored lips opened to give Mackenzie access, delighting in the feel of tongues fighting for dominance.

Natalia nearly moaned as Mackenzie’s lips moved downwards, to the side of her lips, her jaw. Her body mindlessly arched forward, feeling the contact of their bodies pressing together in their seated position on the couch. Mackenzie’s lips sucked at the soft skin of Natalia’s neck.

“Mac…Mackenzie,” Natalia breathed, moaning out her name, surprised when she felt her body erupt in rapture at the feel of Mackenzie’s lips on her skin, hands on her body. Natalia grabbed at Mackenzie, pulling her to her as her body reveled in her momentary elation.

She quickly came to and released Mackenzie from her tight grasp.

“What? What’s wrong?” Mackenzie quickly sat up, pulling at her robe, which had come slightly open during their heated first kiss.

“Nothing…um…I think…” Natalia readjusted herself on the couch. “I think…I um…” she glanced nervously over at Mackenzie.

Mackenzie’s frown quickly turned into raised eyebrows and a knowing nod. “Oh.”

“Yeah,” Natalia blushed, embarrassed by her premature reaction to their first kiss.

“Well that’s not…don’t be embarrassed, Nat. No…that…that happens.” Mackenzie reached for Natalia’s hands.

“It does?” Natalia looked quite freaked out.

Mackenzie nodded and smiled. “Yeah, don’t worry…that’s…that’s pretty hot.”

“No, it’s not. It’s embarrassing.”

“No.” Mackenzie reached in and pressed her lips reassuringly against Natalia’s. “It’s fine.”

Natalia relaxed against Mackenzie’s kiss. She gave her a slight smile.

“It is.”

Natalia nodded and then glanced down, knowing that she needed to apologize for her behavior at the funeral. “I feel bad for what happened…”

“At the funeral?”

Natalia nodded. “I shouldn’t have ignored you like that, I’m sorry.”

“It’s all right. I understand that it’s going to take awhile before we’re okay to go out…”

“No, I don’t want it to take ‘awhile’. I don’t want to drag my feet like I did with Olivia.” Natalia turned to look at Mackenzie. “I don’t want to lose you.”

Mackenzie shook her head. “You’re not going to.” Mackenzie pulled Natalia to her. “It’s going to be fine.” Mackenzie kissed Natalia’s cheek, “especially if you respond to me the way you just did…”

Natalia took a deep breath. She turned and stole a quick kiss. “Right, well…I think…that this was really wonderful. But I should…go.”

“No, don’t…” Mackenzie moved to stop her, but quickly realized that Natalia needed to go. Neither were ready for what was passing between them in that electrified moment. “All right.” Mackenzie released Natalia from her embrace. “Can we have dinner tomorrow?”

“Yes, I think I’m free.” Natalia grinned, moving towards the door, Mackenzie hot on her heels.

“Good,” Mackenzie smiled, pulling Natalia towards her for a final goodnight kiss.

guiding light

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