July is the month of birthdays, especially in the second half of the month. Part of my reason for coming back during this period was so that I could spend as many birthdays here as possible. Though, I would have to admit putting in more effort for some and less for others.
It's Jethro's birthday tomorrow, and I hope that everything I've planned doesn't disappoint. I have two tickets to The Dark Knight at 2:10pm and a couple of gifts waiting at his place. But the highlight of the day is it's ending and I really really hope we end on a good note. I had two weeks to pull this off, and I hope that it was enough time.
Also, Happy Birthday Charis Fan! Aren't you glad I'm back in Singapore and am able to spend the day with you(: Upload photos soon! It will definitely be here on this space at some point in time. Hope you grow wiser and stronger in the Lord and that our friendship will continue to be as awesome as it is right now!
So it's going to be my second weekend here and I have only three left. Time is running by and somehow I feel like I've grown too comfortable these past two weeks. I don't want to feel sad that I'm leaving. I want to know that I'm embracing a world of possibilities that perhaps are not available to some less fortunate others. And I want to know that I am facing the future with as much hope as I can muster.
In the mean time, play with Jethro's bunny!