Ramblings of My Heart

Oct 06, 2004 14:41

Well, I have a lot to say today, but I'm not really sure how to say it without offending anyone. So......I'll just ramble on and hope that it makes sense to someone. Not that I think anyone reads or cares about my live journal (that's why I never update). Well...I've really been re-evaluating my definition of the word friend, and turns out I don't have as many as I once thought that I did. Actually it turns out that it's virtually NO friends. I mean there are plenty of people that I love and that I could hang out with, but very few that I trust. And it seems that I trust people less and less everyday that I live. Sad and strange, I know, but true. Very true!
Not only am I beginning to re-evaluate friendships, but my positions in life. I honestly feel like quitting everything...everything but God that is. I just don't know how much more stress and pressure I can handle. There's just so much going on in my head. I wish I could sort it out. It's like everything I think I might have it sorted out, the voices get louder. I know it sounds like I'm crazy, but that's truly how I feel. Maybe I am crazy. I'm probably bipolar or schitzo or something. Anyway that's all I feel at liberty to discuss.
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