Long Time...No Update

Sep 21, 2004 14:25

Hey Everyone!
I know it's been forever since I've updated, but believe it or not, I have a good excuse. Here is my excuse....SCHOOL IS CONSUMING MY LIFE!!!!!!!! All I do is homework, read, work on papers, blah, blah, blah. School is blowing my mind! (in a bad way) lol.
So, like I said there's not really been much going on besides school. Well there has but nothing really worth mentioning it. But...assuming that there is someone out there that actually reads this thing and cares what's going on in my life, I'll mention them.
My relationship with God lately hasn't really been what I would like it to be. I don't spend near as much time with Him as I'd like since school started. I'm gonna have to start getting up earlier or something and just spend time in His presence. Don't worry, I'm not backslidding. I just have a little catching up to do.
Youth has been going really good. I really think that God is about to explode in Third Wave. I feel like he's really putting into place the people who will be instrumental in this move. I just want to say
AMBER LANE ...I'm proud of you. When everyone else in your group of friends has swayed in their walk with God, you've stood strong! You're doing awesome and I love you!
School is ok. There's tons of work that has to be done and deadline after deadline it seems. But I guess that's the price you have to pay to have a degree huh? I guess all I can say is, it's gonna be worth it! I don't really mind being at school and I only totally hate one class. (To hell with Lit. Crit! --sidenote--that's an inside joke for all of those who went to the Resonate youth conference.-- I really love my friends at school. They're all great and I hope that I'm able to be a light to them in some kind of way.
Honestly, I'm very hopeful for my family right now. I really think that God is on the verge of doing something huge in my parents and my brother. I think that all the years of praying (thank you Granny) and seeking God and weeping between porch and alter are about to pay off. Praise God! I can't wait to see my mom, dad and brother in church with their hands and their hearts lifted to God in worship!
Wow, what a waist of time! LOL. Ok seriously, the whole Roger thing is done! I have never been so content with a guy that I really liked no liking me back! Roger is a man of God and I totally respect and admire his decision! I found out for sure that he didn't like me last week. I really already knew that he wasn't just interested in me, but that he wasn't interested in anyone. I guess I just needed closure and closure is what I got. And like I said, it really does feel good. And Roger and I are still really good friends. As for other prospects, there are none. This could change in the next month, or it could stay this way for a while. I just want my sole passion to be to seek the face and heart of God! I really do. So, BIG UPS to being single!

Well that's all I have for now. I love you guys and I hope someone leaves me a comment since I finally decided to update.
~One Love~
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