Jul 10, 2005 00:16
holy shit...i must really love ryan...heres why...today this chik katlyn was freekin out at him tellin him all this crap...and the only reason she was actin this way was because she told ryan she loved him before she even took the time too get too know him.soo to try too be like dr.phil...(sorry ry too yo name) i told ryan i would call her and tell her the way that ry is. soo the drama begins...he 3 ways her and i tell her who i am and why im callin...and that..is..when...SHE...began!!!this chik fuckin freeks out and starts with "ohh i hate muh self and i cannot even belive how stupid i am too believe ryan and blaza blaza....soo being the type of person i am i...gently ease muh way into tellin her that...GODDAMMIT WOMAN U DONT KNOW THE KID!!!" only i did it very nicely at first tellin her that ryan thought differently than alot of people do and that if u dont know him he can come accross as a major ass...i also told her that is she actually knew ryan that she wouldnt be so mad at him right now and she wouldnt be losing a very good friend...you see everyone ryan is one of muh all time most bestest buddies...and yesh he can come accross as an ass at times but its only because hes smartter than most people and dosent let other peoples problems become his own...and that is one thing about him that i can totally and completly respect.ne way back too muh story...so she starts with he told me he loved me and i am the only gurl he loves and whatever...so i tell her "i went out with ryan for a lil less than a month and during that month we told each other that we loved each other...but did we mean it at the time...HELL NO...i honesly couldnt tell him that i loved him untill after we broke up and became soo close...and i told her this but she couldnt freekin understand...soooo...then she tells me okay get ready for this...are u ready...SHE FUCKING TOLD ME SHE PIDIED ME.... i was like beeotch...(i know i swore alot at her) i said beeotch...u dont know me too even tell me that u fuckin pidie me if ne thing i should pidy her for loving a guy she didnt even know...well maybe she knew him but did she understand him NOOO!!!! i have too say that there is not too many people in ryans life that can actually say they understand ryan...luckly for me i think i am one of thos peps who can...thank god!!!ne way muh story soo she told me she pidied me and we moved on too other shit that pissed me off some more and finnally it ended and ryan made sure she was off the phone and me and him had a good laugh bout this...then we called this gurl kayla...shes ryans friend shes kool and we HAD too tell her what went down and she found it just as funny as we did...haaaaa...i love ryan .... he deff. keeps muh life interestin...only for u ryan would i ever bitch out a chik i dont know for something she do to me...funny thing...half the time i was talkin too that chik i had no idea what i was talkin about...i mean i really dont understand what went down between ryan and her but it sure was funny...and she was buggin muh ryan soo i tryed too take care of it but shes just too damn stupid too understand...i told her that she was losing a friend that she would never want too lose but she didnt listen nope....ne way that pritty much sums upp muh fun night...im soo damn wired that im not gonna sleep...wish ry would call me backk its funny too talk bout that chik and realize how dumb she is...some people just dont get it...ne way night chall...and ryan if u read this...u owe me one baby...but only for u would i do something soo dumb...love ya