
Apr 13, 2011 07:33

Books that I have to get back to the library right now but want to come back to when I have a moment to actually get some reading done...

On Suffragettes (and the rockin' fashions of that era):
* With Courage and Cloth, J324.623
* Forward into Light, J324.623
* A Look at the 19th Amendment, J342.73072
* The Suffragette View, 324.3
* Suffragettes International, 396

On Art Deco Fonts, which I want to flow from my fingers like magic:
* The Glasgow Style, 745.09414

On a slightly different note, have you ever started reading a book and gotten so excited about the ideas that it keeps you from making progress in the book in any sort of linear fashion? I've been struggling with that right now on two books concurrently--it's a peculiar sensation, which I'm not used to dealing with. One book is called _The Natural History of Pollination_, and I've gotten so giddy in the first few pages that I end up on these big bombastic internal-monologue rants about the nature of science and human knowlege, totally derailing the process of reading about bees and stuff. The other book that's doing that to me right now is _A Sand County Almanac_, the first few nature observations of snow and grass have me trying to mentally shout over the author--"Yes, yes, this is exactly what I was just thinking about, oh this is so exciting!" rather than actually settling in to reading the book.

It's kind of like the girls at the Beatles concerts, screaming so loud in adoration that you can't hear the songs any more? Sheesh. C'mon brain, these things have due dates, settle down already!
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