Hmmm...what to call this posts are so random, they never really have a central theme

Sep 11, 2013 13:50

At work and everyone's running around like crazy. We have a chain of depos going on in the next couple of days so it's super hectic and I chose this moment to update my journal. Crazy right?

It's such a relief knowing that I'll soon leave all of this behind. I finally told the boss I'm quitting and the biggest weight I've felt in years suddenly lifted off my chest in that moment. He was very supportive about it and even offered me my job back after graduate school, if I still needed it. They're all being super nice to me and congratulatory, it's kind of funny. Only now do they realize they took me for granted. Oh well!

Kind of looking forward to straightening out all the shit going on at mom's office. Should prove really interesting. Kinda nice she'll be paying me to do it for once.

So things are definitely looking up. I don't really need to worry about grad school until November-ish so for now I'll work on polishing up my letter of intent and casually tracking down some advisors. A friend of mine on tumblr told me to just skip graduate school and apply to a PhD program right off the bat. I was like daaaaaaaamn back the fuck up, I can't do that yet, Jesus! That does sound incredibly appealing but that shit be crazy, I can't do that............

..................or maybe.......... NOPE, no, that's insane, she's crazy.................. NOPE.............

Disneyland was awesome, how could it not be, I went with the love of my life. We didn't have to walk slowly, we didn't have to sit around and wait for the parades, we bought every single thing we wanted and spent a fortune, we went on rides more than once, we ate way too much delicious junk food, we went on rides we've never been on, we did anything and everything we wanted and it was a perfect trip from beginning to end.

I even got a Star Trek poster. Awwwwwwww yeh!

We're going to Sacramento this weekend for a Korn concert (actually, it's a metal festival, what what) so there's another hotel we get to stay at and such. It's a really nice one too, it's the one I attended for the SWAA conference years ago. And if I remember correctly, there's a tunnel right next to the hotel that leads to Old Sac-town. HAUNTED LIBRARIES! HAUNTED TRAIN STATIONS! HELLS YEAH! XD

Oh and Korn, of course, we haven't seen them in years! We're seeing them again next month too, it's gonna be craaaaazy.

There's quite a bit going on this month and next month until December. Pretty damn excited about it all. Hard to believe that we're already counting down till the day our baby niece is born. She's due in exactly 17 days but Gio's convinced she'll come sooner. I just can't believe it. 17 more days of Gio being Gio and Matt being Matt and all of us being a family of 6. That's all we got left, 17 days and then it's completely different, forever. I can't say it doesn't hurt.

Quick! List awesome things!

-already got Gio's birthday present (before anyone else oh snap!)
-plan on getting my Spanish ladies mini gifts for Christmas; have to start buying this shit right away before it all piles up
-got the cutest Mickey Mouse sweater and the coolest Star Wars shirt I have ever seen
-Disney-bounding as Han Solo for December (with Chewbaca on me back)
-bought Star Trek Into Darkness; goddamn it that movie is so good
-next on my list of purchases: TOS season all of them
-autumn is coming
-mom got a new WWII veteran as a client; he totally wants to hang out with me and I'm like WHEN, FUCK
-yoga in the morning
-I'm reading a book about women from biblical times and it makes me stupidly happy
-i added like 1294871209487 new songs to my ipod because I have awesome taste in everything awesome
-going to the Winchester mystery house for the first time ever. Should prove to be...... interesting
-trip to San Juan bautista soon too? I need me some antiques XD
-Chris is my friend again; that's kinda nice I guess

I moved the parents' bedroom around and got rid of a lot of their crap. We're going to Ikea probably next weekend to get them some nightstands and some privacy for le baby. They have a crib for her. I might pass out, I dunno, I just might.

I love when they go out. They have a birthday party in LA somewhere which means lu and I get a whole weekend without them. It's the best, it's the only chance I get to completely relax. They should go out all the time, it's good for them.

Okay I'm done, I think I spilled enough of my brain in the past twelve seconds. I'm still at work. Maybe I should..... start working.....

work, happy, disneyland, random

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