Yuletide Letter

Sep 30, 2017 17:51

Dear Yuletide writer

Thank you so much for writing for me! I'm really excited to read what you write (not just because you clearly have great taste in fandoms...)

I've included some thoughts below on my fandoms and some ideas that hopefully inspire you, but please don't stress too much if you're into something else.

General likes:
  • Hurt/comfort
  • Conflict
  • Slow burn
  • Pining and UST
  • Sacrifices, especially if characters are making big sacrifices on behalf of someone that they care deeply about
  • Angst (ideally ending in a HEA)
  • Having dysfunctional relationships
  • Enemies being forced (either directly or by circumstances) to work together
  • Enemies to lovers
  • Opposites attracting or coming to understand each other
  • Marriages of convenience, fake dating, etc.
  • People being thrown together in wildly unexpected situations
  • Magical realism and magical powers
  • Time travel, time loops, time do-overs etc.
  • Modern royalty AUs
  • Identity porn
  • Settings that have a sense of mystery: cemeteries, forests, abandoned temples etc.
  • Epistolary and non-linear storytelling
  • Canon divergence
  • Mythology
  • Hidden displays of affection
General dislikes:
  • Major character death
  • Noncon
  • Incest
  • Painplay
  • Torture
  • Humiliation kink
  • A/b/o
  • Dom/sub
  • Mpreg
  • Knotting
  • Coffee shop AUs
  • High school AUs
I'm not active on LJ anymore, although you're welcome to poke around here. I'm slightly active on tumblr and you can also check out my pinboard if you'd like to see what kind of things I'm into.

Sabrina (1954)
Sabrina Fairchild, Linus Larrabee

Canon: A film about the daughter of a chauffer who has been in love with the flirtious younger son of the wealthy family that employs her father since she was young. She returns from Paris still in love with him, only to find out he's now interested in her! But, the responsible older brother decides to intervene, wanting his younger brother to marry more advantageously...

Sabrina is one of my favorite movies and one that I definitely recommend watching if you like Audrey Hepburn or Humphrey Bogart. I love the relationship that grows between Sabrina and Linus. They're two people who never even thought of each other as a romantic interest--have always felt miles apart from each other--and yet are perfect for each other. I love how open Sabrina is--she wears her heart on her sleeve and I love how Linus is so used to ignoring his feelings that he doesn't even recognize that he's in love until David confronts him with it.

I would love to see more of them after the events of the movie and how their lives progress once they've both taken the huge step to be with each other. Navigating Sabrina's entry into New York high society, even if it goes badly or they make waves. The two of them going out to a fancy gala and Sabrina charming everyone (or distinctly not charming everyone). Linus and Sabrina navigating a relationship with the Larrabees.

I'm also really interested in seeing a look at the two of them dealing with a problem behind closed doors--how do they handle someone snubbing Sabrina in polite society or Linus feeling like he's not able to protect Sabrina? I'd love to see one of them comforting the other when something goes bad--maybe Linus is stoic, but Sabrina knows that he needs someone to lean on, or Sabrina reaches her limit and Linus whisks her away and lets her cry on his shoulder.

Guns of the Dawn - Adrian Tchaikovsky
Cristan Northway, Daffed Mallen, Emily Marshwic

Canon: It's a book about (kind of) napoleonic era war, combined with the never-ending decimation of WWI, and then a dash of magic, focusing on a woman who watches as the war depletes her country's rescources and men, ultimately being drafted herself. This book nails some of my favorite tropes: competence, people being thrust into extreme situations, a slow burn romance that happened very organically. I loved it.

This book totally took me by surprise! I found myself completely engaged by the war that Emily was fighting as well as the changes that shaped Emily. Emily's introspection and determination drove the book, but she did it amongst a fascinating set of characters.

I'd love really love more of just about anything post-canon. I would love to see an exploration of what Cristan and Emily do after going back to town. Does Emily begin to reconcile her war self with her peacetime self? Does Cristan help Emily adjust, even as they both know that the war has irrevocably changed them and their relationship? They also will likely have to deal with confusion and censure over their relationship--Emily is the golden hero whereas Cristan is hated. How do they support each other when there are issues in public?

I'd also love to know what happens to Mallen. Does he find the Denland woman that he was in love with now that the war is over? Do he and Emily reconnect at any point in the future? I feel like they had a very interesting connection and a deep respect for each other that could play out as platonically or romantically. Maybe they meet up a few years down the line as Emily is still having issues adjusting to peacetime--the swamps are the only place where she feels remotely normal.

I also loved the Survivor's Club and would be very happy to see them meet up down the line. Where do they all end up and what brings them all together again?

Summers at Castle Auburn - Sharon Shinn
Coriel Halsing, Elisandra Halsing, Kent Ouvrelet, Roderick

Canon: A fantasy book that takes place in a vaguely medieval world and follows the life of a young woman, an illegitimate daughter of the noble Halsing house, as she spends every summer at the royal castle. There's political intrigue, a great sisterly relationship and a few great romances.

I love Corie, Kent, Elisandra and Roderick so much and how they all develop over the course of the book. I love the incredible subtlety of the relationship between Elisandra and Roderick. I would love to know more about how they fell in love and what drew them to each other. Did they just keep re-meeting each other or did one of them seek the other out? I'd love a look at the night before Elisandra's wedding--the desperation and comfort that Roderick and Elisandra shared, not knowing what the future held.  Or, a look at what pushed Roderick to decide to stay at the castle even though it made him miserable. Slightly less angsty, I'd also love to see how they live on Jaxon's estate--now that they don't have to be so secretive, what are their lives like?

For Corie and Kent, I would love to see Kent's side of the relationship. When did he know that he was in love with Corie? How do they navigate their lives after the events of the book--the hectic wedding, Lord Matthew, Corie having to navigate court society. Are there people who try (and almost succeed) at coming between them once they arrive?

If you wanted to focus on one of the characters and just do a gen piece, I'd love to see Kent's perspective and how he comes to deal with his growing feelings for Corie or his alliance with Elisandra to keep Bryan in check. I'd also love to see Roderick's perspective: falling in love with Elisandra, sacrifcing his happiness because he knew she was miserable or, more happily, what it's like living together with her on Jaxon's estate. I'd also love to see more about Elisandra--we know so little of what she's really thinking or how she's coping for most of the book. How did she keep herself together and moving forward? As for Corie, how does she cope with being Queen? What is it like to start celebrating the holidays with her other life?

Queen's Thief - Megan Whalen Turner
Eugenides, Attolia

Canon: The Queen's Thief is a fantasy series set in a ancient Greece-esque world. The books concern three neighboring countries, Attolia, Eddis and Sounis, that deal with internal and external threats to their sovereignty as seen through the eyes of, at first, Eugenides, a thief,  and then other characters that are involved in the complicated political intrigue.

I love this book series so much, especially the build up between Eugenides and Attolia. This is definitely an area that you can play up the enemies to lovers quality or the physical or emotional hurt/comfort angle.  How does Attolia reconcile herself to her past actions after one of Eugenides bad nightmares? Tell me more about Eugenides' thought process during The Queen of Attolia when he decided that he was going to propose to her. Feel free to also look into the future: does either Eugenides or Attolia get kidnapped at some point (perhaps after a big disagreement or after rash words have been exchanged) and the other has to deal with their guilt and getting the other person back?

I also desperately wish that I could see more of their married life from their perspective. After The Queen of Attolia, we only get glimpses of the affection and feeling between the two of them. What happened on their wedding night? How do they deal with a court crisis behind court doors?

If you like political intrigue, I would be down for political intrigue, especially if the intrigue involves driving a wedge between Eugenides and Attolia. Maybe its the Medes or perhaps another player from the Continent. Maybe it's just some of Attolia's barons. Or maybe it's someone from their past that has always felt wronged by Eugenides and Attolia and is seeking revenge. They're both stubborn and hard-headed--what if someone knows just the right buttons to press and maneuvers the two of them against each other? How do they reconcile?

I would also be excited to see Eugenides and Attolia is a different setting (time or geography) or some kind of a time traveling trope. Maybe they've just fought and then find themselves in a groundhog loop or they get magically transported to a completely different area of the world (the Continent?), surrounded by hostile enemies and have to work their way back. This could also occur before Eugenides and Attolia end up marrying. I'm totally down for a modern AU as well where Attolia is modern royalty and Eugenides still comes to steal her heart!

Canon-specific preference: I'd prefer if we saw the events from either Eugenides or Attolia's point of view. It can definitely be in third person, I'd just prefer if the perspective was from either Eugenides or Attolia, rather than an outside party.

Heathen (Comics)
Aydis, Brynhild, Freya

Canon: A female viking is cast out of her village and decides to mount a rescue of the valkyrie, Brynhild, who's been cursed by Odin to marry a mortal and live in exile. Vikings and adventure!

So far, only the first trade has come out and it's fantastic! I ship all over the place with this one. There's Aydis/Brynhild--is Aydis the first woman to rescue Brynhild? Is there something instantly there when they first see each other or do they slowly come to love each other as they fight back against Odin?

I'm also super into Aydis/Freya. Freya seems like someone who's used to (a) getting her way and (b) only willing to help Aydis and Brynhild so much as it doesn't mean that she's putting her neck on the line. She's definitely very intrigued by Aydis--does she keep an eye on them on their journey? When she gives Aydis that goodbye kiss, do Freya and Aydis both think that there could be something more? What happens when push come to shove? Is Freya willing to put her own neck on the line? I'd love to see the tables being turned on Freya for once with respect to love.

I also would be interested in seeing some backstory with Brynhild/Freya--it definitely feels like they have a history. Maybe it's a romantic one, maybe it's a platonic one, but they know each other really well. You could also explore how they both cope with Brynhild's exile, even if it's just the loss of a good friend.

I'm also super into the tragic Brynhild/Sigurd relationship. They both will live forever but they're unable to be together--does this current quest actually mean that if they defeat Odin, they have a chance to be together? I can imagine how painful and wonderful it is for them to finally see each other after all this time--the agony of each moment knowing that it won't last. Can they find a way to thwart Brynhild's curse?

yuletide letter

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