Oct 17, 2008 22:45
So it's Tuesday morning and we're in drawing class. We're all tired- as a student here that's pretty much constant. What? Sleep? But this week was rough, because we has a TEST IN ART HISTORY THAT EVERYONE I KNOW TOTALLY BOMBED. Anyway. Funny story.
We were going to the museum, and Frances Hamilton, our professor, being the kind woman she is, bought us all apples. So we're all sitting around, grabbing an apple from the bag, and setting them down/observing them. Now, we're totally dazed, but looking around confused and asking, "So, what do you want us to draw the apple with?" Damian starts pretending to eat the apple, Matt stuffs it into his mouth partially and rests his head on his arms, and Laisa and I are staring blankly at them. And China is walking around biting the apple, and we're like, "Uhm, wait...we're eating these?" Frances then realizes that almost ALL of us instinctually prepared to draw the apple BEFORE PREPARING TO EAT IT.
lmao. "Guys...the apples are for eating. I'm not giving you a lunch break..."
At which point we all look around stupidly, in partial disbelief, then proceed to consume the apples.