Aug 24, 2008 12:47
As an item on my 101 List, I wanted to see a live production of each of Shakespeare's plays. So, I wanted to keep a record of the plays that I've seen, so I can tick them off. I'm having a little difficulty with some of the years of productions I've seen, and in a couple of cases, remembering whether I've seen the productions, or just heard & read a lot about them. However, I am only putting down ones I'm sure I've seen, and only where I have seen full productions, as opposed to readings or extracts. Films don't count. The Reduced Shakespeare Company doesn't count. I'm including shows I've acted in, because I figure you end up seeing the great majority of a show you work on.
It's not a bad list, but further to go than I'd realised!
* All's Well That Ends Well
* Antony and Cleopatra
* As You Like It
- Auckland University Summer Shakespeare (1995)
* Comedy of Errors
- Auckland Town Hall, roughly 20 years ago
- St Kentigerns College (1995)
* Coriolanus
* Cymbeline
* Hamlet
- Watershed Theatre (1994) Michael Hurst dir & lead
* Henry IV, Part I
* Henry IV, Part II
* Henry V
- acted in Auckland University Summer Shakespeare (2000)
* Henry VI, Part I
* Henry VI, Part II
* Henry VI, Part III
* Henry VIII
* Julius Caesar
* King John
* King Lear
- Royal Shakespeare Company, featuring Sir Ian McKellan (2007)
* Love's Labour's Lost
* Macbeth
- acted in St Kentigerns College (1994)
* Measure for Measure
* Merchant of Venice
* Merry Wives of Windsor
* Midsummer Night's Dream
- Auckland Summer Shakespeare, roughly 1984
- Royal Shakespeare Company, Aotea Centre (1997)
- Auckland Summer Shakespeare (1999)
* Much Ado about Nothing
* Othello
- Watershed Theatre (1995)
* Pericles
* Richard II
* Richard III
* Romeo and Juliet
- Royal Shakespeare Company, Stratford-upon-Avon (1997)
* Taming of the Shrew
- Auckland Summer Shakespeare (2000)
* Tempest
- Stage 2 Productions, Auckland Tepid Baths (1998)
* Timon of Athens
* Titus Andronicus
* Troilus and Cressida
* Twelfth Night
- Auckland Theatre Company (2006)
* Two Gentlemen of Verona
* Winter's Tale
101 list