101 List

Aug 19, 2008 12:11

So, I haven't completed it yet, but here is my 101 list as it stands. These are 101 things I want to do before I die, so it gives me the scope to put some fairly large-scale things on there, but some are pretty small too...

1 Get my PhD
2 Live in Italy again
3 Trek through the mountains in Washington State, US
4 Be published
5 Meet Joss Whedon
6 Sail from one country to another
7 Direct a play again
8 See a performance of every one of Shakespeare's plays
9 Stay in a 5 star hotel in New York
10 Read the complete CS Lewis/Narnia to my child
11 Write a combined paper with Phill
12 Spend at least 6 months living at Whitianga
13 Own my own house
14 Have a dedicated cinema room in my house
15 Go on a quiz show
16 Open a performance venue
17 Get my motorbike licence
18 Learn how to design a database
19 Learn Portuguese
20 Write and record a song at home
21 Create my own course at a university, and teach Buffy in it
22 Dye my hair
23 Read all the books I own, give away any that for any reason I won't read
24 Gather everyone that I know that I can together in one place
25 Successfully snowboard down a medium/difficult slope
26 Iceskate backwards without falling over
27 See a performance of Morte Accidentale di un Anarchico
28 Work on-set on a TV show
29 Put together the CD of music I want played at my funeral
30 See Radiohead live
31 Take a cooking class
32 Learn to salsa
33 Help a friend fulfil a dream they could not have fulfilled without help
34 Help my partner fulfil a dream she could not have fulfilled without help (does this count? Is this not just an expectation?) Helped TM buy her business
35 Be a mentor to somebody
36 Take singing lessons to see if I will ever be able to sing in tune
37 Introduce a child to appreciate both high and popular culture (doesn't have to be my child)
38 Have an entire wall filled floor to ceiling with books that I own (and in accordance with 23, have read)
39 Write and maintain a list of every band I see/have seen
40 Keep a diary for at least a year, and write in it daily
41 Take a week off life
42 Walk down a red carpet
43 Be recognised by someone I don't know
44 Meet Kevin Smith
45 Get into something before it becomes cool
46 Be fit enough to do under 10min/k on a red orienteering course
47 Learn to play pool well enough to not embarrass myself
48 Visit a place that has 24hr daylight
49 Dedicate 3 months to a full roadtrip around New Zealand
50 Drive coast-to-coast across the US
51 Attend Carnevale/Mardi Gras in at least 5 cities (have already achieved Venezia & Viareggio)
52 Attend New Orleans jazz festival
53 Attend Montreux Jazz Festival
54 Attend Glastonbury
55 Attend Sundance Film Festival
56 Learn to tap
57 Keep a record of my life's achievements, not as a memoir, but to remind myself what I have achieved
58 See an opera at the Met
59 Beat my father in a game of squash
60 Put together a movie club (like a book club, get together regularly, watch a movie, discuss it)
61 Find a sport/event I can beat my brother at
62 Say yes to an experience I would never have said yes to
63 Deliver a eulogy
64 Plant a fruit tree, and keep it alive until it bears fruit
65 Prepare meals for a week from food I have grown/caught myself
66 Learn to play a new sport
67 Learn to windsurf properly
68 Start a new social sports team
69 Scan my childhood photos and organise them
70 Finally take guitar lessons
71 Go to Yoga classes
72 Keep to an exercise program for 12 months
73 Learn to scuba dive
74 Learn to surf

Will try to tick them off here if and when achieved. So here we go!

101 list

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