The end of Daylight Savings Time has brought the return of the hour (no interest, no extra seconds, just the original hour) taken last Spring. In addition, I also got good sleep this weekend, so despite the early hour I'm not falling asleep at my keyboard.
Rob, Anna, and Austin threw an excellent poker party. When it was time for me to go, I asked Jacob to deal me a good hand, and he did. And, conveniently, other people had good hands as well, so virtually all the chips on the table where in the middle when I got to lay down the king and queen in my hand that built the ten-jack-queen-king-ace straight. And poor Jacob learned yet again that the best swordsman in the world (or poker player
) does not fear the second best swordsman... he fears the worst swordsman, for you never know what that guy is going to do.
Saturday brought several hours of working at PASCO and then Talitha's soccer game. It was another nail-biter that ended in a tie. Saturday night, Wendy and I joined Harry and Carole, Paul and Dovey Bengs, and Larry and Kay McKibben for a "not her birthday" celebration for Carole. We went to Casablanca, or about as near as you can get to it in Sacramento. The restaurant is fitted out in a tent theme, and Wendy and I sat on cushions on the floor. I had the Lamb kabob (reaaally good), and they showered us with plenty of food until we were quite full. When we returned to the McKibben's place, they introduced us to a silly (but fun) little game called "Pass the Pig" that involves rolling two pigs (plastic ones the size of dice, not real pigs the size of small cars). Kay won the night despite Larry's amazing run (that he carried just a *bit* too far and lost everything).
Sunday brought Lord's Day services and more systematics studies. We reached the doctrine of the Holy Spirit and had a good time (at least *I* did) working through the political implications of the Filioque clause in the Nicene Creed. In a related tangent, the first DVD of Connections (James Burke's original series) arrived and I got to watch the first two episodes (really good). Burke has an entire episode in the second season that examines the implications of the Filioque in an episode titled "One Word." Pastor's sermon in the evening was particularly excellent, as he showed the connections between Elijah and John the Baptist, between the altar on Mount Carmel and Israel at the time of Christ. Good stuff.
So onward into the Eleventh Week. Six weeks of the 5AM schedule remain; ten are behind me.