Title: Special
Pairing: Ryo/Yasu
Rating: G
Warnings: Fluuuuuff (lol I wanted to write porn... but after this beginning, there was no way that was happening XD)
Notes: ...How come I can sit down and write a drabble for Ryo in next to no time, when he's my most dou demo ii member? XD Ahh, there's something about the lad. ;) Happy birthday, Ryo~~! 25 is a special time. :] Hope I can see you again this (well, next in terms of annual years XD) year! ;)
Ryo had always felt particularly close to Yasu. When he'd first joined Johnnys, Yasu had been his first best friend - the same age, both Kansai kids together, they had some things in common. And Yasu was so friendly and easy to talk to, not shy inside like Ryo, so Ryo always had someone to hide behind if he wanted to keep out of view.
He'd started to think maybe there was something a bit different about Yasu after a couple of years. The way he dressed, the things he said, the way he seemed to idolise Subaru-kun, who Ryo still thought was kind of scary and unpredictable. Subaru-kun dressed strangely too, and Yasu started to look more and more like him, spend more and more time with him. Which was mainly OK, because Ryo had more friends now. He didn't need Yasu to hide behind all the time now.
If it had been anyone else, Ryo might have been terrified, repulsed even, to think his close friend, his buddy, might be... that way. But it was Yasu. Ryo thought that, if Yasu did it, maybe it was OK after all.
But after he'd had that thought, other thoughts started to come as well - like, why had Yasu chosen Subaru-kun to idolise? Wasn't it Ryo who he saw most often? Ryo who was his closest friend? Ryo was cool too, wasn't he? He might still look young and angelic, but Subaru-kun barely looked old enough to be Ryo's older brother!
Strangely, Ryo didn't find these oddly-like-jealousy thoughts especially troubling. It was Yasu after all. He was just a special case. Ryo had no problem being close to him, leaning on him, slinging an arm round his shoulders (when he could reach) - it was nice with Yasu, even if he'd never do the same with other friends.
He noticed the other boys would do the same sorts of things, too. He guessed Yasu was just warm that way, people wanted to touch him, and Yasu would never shrug them off.
Ryo couldn't help it. He was a curious young boy, and a cheeky one too. Not as cheeky as Subaru-kun. But that felt like a challenge. He felt positively tame next to Subaru-kun's wild, unrestrained image. Maybe that's what Yasu was so interested in. So Ryo, one day, in a fit of daring, took a chance, and, catching Yasu unawares, leaned in and kissed him swiftly on the lips.
All Yasu could do was stutter. "Ryo-chan..."
Ryo felt himself turn all kinds of red. "I like you, okay?" he said, scowling. "Just a little bit! But I like you."
Yasu smiled at him. "Thank you," he murmured. "I'm glad you do." And he put his hand on Ryo's shoulder, and kissed him again, taking his time.
Ryo felt very silly afterwards. But Yasu had just smiled agreeably, and whenever Ryo had wanted to kiss him again, or hug him, or - when they got older - anything else, he'd let him happily.
"You're the only boy I've done this with," Ryo mumbled once, not sure whether it was for Yasu's benefit or his own.
"Good," said Yasu, smiling. He always made Ryo feel special, and, Ryo realised, even if Yasu made everyone else who knew him feel that way too, Yasu had enough special to go round.