
Aug 23, 2005 23:54

Yay! I just got done writing/proofing Chapter 20 of Torn Apart. We're in the end sequence at last, and I'm rather looking forward to seeing what shape it will come out in. It's been in my head for months now.

Without further adieu, here you go.

Torn Apart: A direct continuation of Striking Falcon's "You Don't know what You Have Til It's Gone." Summary: Two years after the well is sealed, Kagome is confronted by two loves from her past. Asked by both to be his mate, she must chose which one she loves most while a faceless threat waits for an opportune moment to end a 100 year long vendetta. [Kag/Sess, some Kag/Inu, possible San/Inu]

Chapter Summary: Ayumi's in rough shape waiting for Kagome and Shippou to come rescue her. What tricks does Shuukaku has up his sleeve? Will Sesshoumaru realize she's gone in time? Safety is but an illusion, and the strings are about to be pulled.

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torn apart, inuyasha

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