Random ficlet

Aug 08, 2005 00:29

Decided to actually write something for 15minuteficlets. So, I wrote this rather random, Full Metal Panic Gen!fic with almost no bearing on the show besides characters ^_^ Gotta love randomness, not to mention first time ficing.

Word Theme: Pinnacle

Fandom: Full Metal Panic
Summary: There comes a time in one's life when decisions that decide the course of one's life must be made. Kaname Chidori, standing at the pinnacle of youth, learns that sometimes it's the manner in which those decisions are made that matters rather then the choice itself.

Dreading College

This was it. This was the day that her fate would be decided, but what was it going to be?

Kaname’s eyes flickered between the two letters sitting prominently on her table. She just couldn’t force herself to open them. She hardly knew which university she wanted to get into any more, Tokyo or Kyoto. Both were equally good in their own right, but what if she didn’t get into either one? And to make things even more heart-wrenching, she didn’t want to leave Sousuke behind.

She had been awestruck when he made the decision to apply to university after his somewhat rough stint in high school; it had been a mission he carried out a little to diligently over the last four years for Mithril. What was even more amusing was that he decided to major in History, a subject he was absolutely horrendous at. He had mentioned something about doing his utmost to master the one subject which eluded him. That, and he was absolutely fascinated with all things military, including its history. It was an interest he had fallen late into since before he had concentrated on keeping abreast of the technology and less so on past tactics and strategy.

Still, there was no guarantee he would get into the same University that she would.

He had already informed her that he received his letters from Kyoto and Tokyo a week earlier although no matter how much snooping and prying she did, she had been unable to finagle the results from him. Now, she was sitting at her kitchen table, looking at the two ominous looking letters, and wishing that someone else would read them and tell her if her life was doomed.

At the utmost, she did not want to tell Sousuke which University she got into in case it was the only one he was rejected from. It’d break her heart if he had to give up his dreams for her. She couldn’t let him do that, not when so much of his life was abnormal!

Sighing, she let her head plop onto the table with a dull thud. Apparently, there wasn’t much up there in her brain. It had been gnawed to death with worry.

Banging her head again on the table for emphasis, she nearly missed the sharp rap of knuckles striking the wood of her door. Shaking her head to clear her mind of her musings, she shakily stood to her feet and walked to the door. Hesitantly, she pulled open the offensive barrier to see Sousuke still dressed in his school uniform.

“Chidori,” he said with the faint echo of heels clicking together and a sharp salute, remants of eons of practice though the motion was absent. “I noticed that you received your letters today and thought we could read them together.”

Kaname felt sweat creep down her neck. “Uh, sure Sousuke. I was just about to look at mine anyways. Come on in and make yourself at home.”

She nearly blushed. Hopefully he didn’t hear the fear creeping into her voice and running down her spine. She’d die if they didn’t get into the same University.

Sousuke walked into the room and purposely sat down at the table, spreading his two letters out evenly in front of him much as Kaname’s already were. Surreptitiously wiping his hands on his pant legs, he grasped the fabric slightly with the tips of his fingers.

Hesitantly clearing his throat, he asked the one question he had been unable to answer himself for the past six days, “Which letter do you want to open first? Kyoto, or Tokyo?”

Kaname sat down next to him and swallowed. “I don’t know,” she murmured. Taking a deep breath, she looked up into his eyes and smiled. “No matter what happens, we’ll figure something out together.”

Clenching her teeth, she gripped the smooth envelope with one hand while she worked a finger nail under the lapel edge and pried it lose. Yep, no matter what fate had in store, she’d be there for Sousuke, just as Sousuke had always been there for her.

Author's Note: Everything except the last two paragraphs were written in the 15 minute time requirement. I'm rather proud of that ^_^

sousuke-kaname, [community] 55themes, fanfic, one-shot, full metal panic

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