
Aug 02, 2005 17:44

Well, I wrote a one-shot for iy_no_kakera but I'm not quite sure if it still fits the criterion of 'platonic.' Heh. Anyways, here's the rough-draft of "Indigestion." I'll have to think about this one...

Title: A Little Bit of Indigestion Indigestion
Theme: Set #1 - Theme 2 - Dreams
Genres: Angst/Sexual connotations
Pairings Represented: Kagome/Sesshoumaru, and Kagome/Sesshoumaru platonic
Word Count: 1607
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Inuyasha is the sole property of its creator, Takahashi-sama. I merely write fanfiction for my own enjoyment at no profit.

Summary: Kagome loses control at the hot-springs when Sesshoumaru unexpectedly shows up and ruins her day-dreaming.

A Little Bit of Indigestion

Bliss, pure unadulterated bliss flooded through her body, causing nerve-endings to delight and heat to rise off her flesh. It was almost more then she could comfortably bear.

Opening her eyes, Kagome peered into those of her companion, Sango, also luxuriating in the heady waters of the hot spring. It was a rare moment indeed when Inuyasha allowed them the time, let alone the privacy, to simply relax in a hot spring. A smile lit up her face. She didn’t even sit him; he had willing stopped for the evening at her suggestion of course. All in all, she couldn’t ask for a better evening. Softly letting her eyelids drift shut, Kagome wedged herself more firmly between two stones and let the mineral heavy hot springs lull her to sleep.

Snapping her eyes open, Kagome slid beneath the water with her sudden movement. Flailing, she fought her way through endless miles of suffocating water, fighting against the lure of oblivion while black spots clouded her vision. Bursting from the water, she heaved in a great lungful of air. Hacking, coughing up acrid tasting water, she weakly pulled herself to the shore.

Collapsing on the bank, she waited until her breath was caught and her eyes adjusted to the light of the moon above her. Groggy from sleep and near drowning, the miko looked around herself, trying to spot Sango and wishing that the taijiya had woken her from the unintentional nap. But the demon slayer was gone.

Blinking against the purple darkness of night, Kagome fought to raise her body from the ground. Standing, she peered around the clearing, panic rising in her soaked body. Nothing looked familiar. Not a tree, not a bush, not even the stars above her appeared to reside in their normal celestial patterns. Only a single stump, half covered in moss, appeared somewhat familiar, thankfully.

Nervous, feeling a gaze devour her shoulder blades, she hunched over, unable to pierce the veil of night. Feeling around on her hands on knees, she crawled along the edge of the hot springs, heading towards the lone familiar stump where she had deposited her clothing earlier.

Relief lightened her breath when her hand felt the rough texture of the bark and her eyes alighted on the short silhouette; she patted the top edge expecting to feel the smooth cotton of her uniform. All she felt was weathered bark. Dread consumed her as she felt all up and down the stump and the surrounding area. Someone had run off with her clothes.

“I’m gonna get you for this Sango!” she muttered, gritting her teeth. Taking refuge behind the stump, she shivered. She could still feel someone’s gaze boring into her skin. Anger suffusing her limbs, she gritted her teeth and snarled, loudly. “Will you stop looking at me and get me some clothes!”

She knew it was Miroku. It just had to be. No one else had a gaze that felt as lascivious as his. She nearly gagged. To think she’d have to pander to the monk just to get something to cover herself made her sick.

“I have no intention of giving up my clothes to a lowly human.”

Kagome gasped and turned to face the velvet smooth voice of her enemy. Pressing her shoulders against the stump, she covered herself as best she could with her hands and bent knees. “Sesshoumaru! What are you doing here?”

Sesshoumaru stared disgustingly at the miko. “I was hoping you’d remove yourself from these premises. I have a wish to bathe.”

Kagome mouthed an “Oh.” Swallowing in discomfort, she mumbled, “Sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”

Kagome watched his eyes close and heard a soft sigh escape his lips. As he turned his back, he reached with one hand for his obi while he spoke. “Just leave before you try my patience more.”

Her breath caught in her throat. He was undressing and doing an admirable job of hiding the effort it took him to untie the complicated knots. Slowly, he removed each piece of clothing causing the heat of embarrassment to rise off her flesh as a blush crept down her neck. But she could not look away. It was physically impossible.

Frantically, she fought to turn her head, blink, to do something! But she could not. ‘What the hell is wrong with me?’ she thought as she felt her body act on its own and against her volition; she was standing up.

‘No!’ she screamed inside her head as her foot slid forward a tentative step.

‘Please stop,’ she sobbed as she took another step closer to the smooth skin gleaming in the moonlight.

‘I don’t want to do this,’ she sniffled, wishing tears would at least gather in her eyes. Anything would give her hope, a sign that she had some control over her actions.

She watched with dread as her hand lifted off her body, exposing one breast to the gaze of the taiyoukai as he turned his head to glare at her intrusive presence. Her hand, oblivious to the warning inherent in his gaze, touched the smooth alabaster skin of his shoulder and moved with a life of its own, brushing fingertips down the expanse of unmoving flesh. Fear locking her imaginary throat, she waited for the killing blow, a snide comment, or even a simple rejection and mutual disgust. But she was once again disappointed. He did nothing but glare.

Clenching her teeth, her hand fell flush against his back as she took a tiny step forward, sliding her barefoot against the leaf strewn ground. Her body pressed closer, barely leaving a gap between their bodies as her free hand reached up to weave the disembodied fingers into his white locks.

Resisting a gag reflex, his head loomed over her own as her mutinous hand tugged it closer. Breath mingling, hearts racing in horror, she felt her lips press tightly against his own, tasting and nipping at the surprisingly soft flesh.

“… “

‘Ew.’ She couldn’t believe it. She was kissing her enemy, a man who had tried to kill her and her friends innumerous times. She was lucky she had no control over her actions. If she had been, she would have thrown up all over Sesshoumaru’s furry pelt by now.

Nose twitching, the only sign of life that there was someone other then a lustful Kagome residing in her body, she breathed a sigh of relief when their lips parted. At least it was all over now. But sadly, Sesshoumaru had other plans.

Growling, he grabbed the hand still pressed against his back and pulled her closer to rest flush against his chest. Pressing his lips against hers, he started ravishing her mouth, trying to swallow her whole as his hand slipped lower to caress her hip and press her against his growing desire.

‘Ew, ew, ew, gross, ew…’ was the mantra desperately repeated in Kagome’s mind as she struggled to close her eyes, to block the image of a demon lord enjoying the taste of her mouth and her flesh pressed against his own.

Wrenching free of the limbo she had been consigned, she freed her mouth from the sweet taste of his own. Leaning back, struggling to create distance between them, she screamed.


Kagome blinked, tears clouding her eyes as she stared into the concerned brown eyes of a feminine face while a furry paw stroked her hair in comfort.

“Sango? Is that you?”

The taijiya nodded, concern clouding her voice. “Sorry about that, but I had to wake you up!”

Kagome shuddered as the memories returned with sharp focus. “Please tell me that didn’t just happen.”

Frowning, Sango looked over her shoulder at an equally groggy Miroku. They had both been woken-up by Kagome’s whimpers and screaming. What they had not expected was the difficulty in waking her up. Hence, the slap. “I’m not sure what you were dreaming, but you haven’t been out of our sight the whole night.”

Brow crinkling in perplexity, Kagome swiped a hand down her torso, feeling cotton against her skin. She was fully clothed. Raising blue eyes to met brown ones, she smiled in relief. “So I didn’t fall asleep in the hot springs then did I?”

“What? We haven’t found a hot spring in three days!” whispered Sango softly wishing that they had. They had fought several demons over the course of those three days and not a stream in sight.

True memories flitted through Kagome’s brain, swiftly replacing those of her dream. A smile blooming across her face, Kagome flung two arms around Sango’s neck. “Thank god for that,” she whispered.

Face twisting into a grimace, her stomach lurched with the sudden move to sit-up and rebelled against her. Roughly pushing Sango away, she tilted her head to the side and emptied her stomach of supper, lunch, and possibly even breakfast.

“Ugh,” she moaned. “What the hell brought that on?” she said, secretly thinking it was because of her dream. She had so desperately wanted to mark Sesshoumaru in a similar fashion.

Inuyasha keh’d as he dropped to the ground from his perch up in a tree. “You better clean that up, wench, because I’m not smelling anymore of Miroku’s bad cooking tonight. I’ve already had enough of it.”

Kagome nearly swallowed her tongue. Of course. Bad things always happened when Miroku cooked, food poisoning and indigestion included. Wiping off her mouth with a cloth provided by a guilty Miroku, she vowed to never again eat his cooking as Sango had done. She was better off starving then having anymore indigestion induced nightmares of Sesshoumaru returning her kisses.

Author's Note: Actually, re-reading this, I think it still works. My only concern is that Sesshoumaru doesn't quite come off as being platonic. It's mostly one-sided in terms of Kagome. Then again, it is a dream. Maybe I should find some way to edit in Sesshoumaru strangling her after she breaks away and before she screams...Gah. I'm finding myself with a violent streak lately. Maybe it is time for me to return to A Thief in the Night =)

sess-kag, inuyasha, fanfic, one-shot, iy_no_kakera

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