Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament rally

Jan 23, 2010 20:05

So, I ended up catching the end of the rally. It was from 1-4 PM at Dundas square, and when I got there around 3, it looked like it was over.

But THEN, a crowd came marching down Yonge Street.

Although the overwhelming majority were there to protest prorogation of parliament, there were a handful of "911 was an inside job" protesters, as well as other groups handing out flyers. The main signs that the rally organizers had handed out were the "NO to proroguing, YES to democracy" signs, but lots made their own.

One kid had a homemade sign that said "Stephen Harper, you're setting a bad example for children." It was kind of adorable.

And some signs:

The guy was actually playing the bagpipes! Bagpipes are awesome.

The polar bears are disappointed in this country's inaction on climate change.

Even IRON MAN was there in support of Canadian democracy!

iron man, toronto, canadian politics, pictures, canada, politics

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