Title: Asleep in the Back Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist Summary: Roy waits. Notes: gen post-series, pre-movie Roy fic. Contains: pretentiousness, snow. Lacks: coherency, capitalization. 406 words.
Title: theory and practice (The New Slang Remix) Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist Characters: Hawkeye, Roy Summary: Hawkeye learns to shoot. Notes: A remix of zauberer_sirin's awesome theory and practice, because she said she wanted one, and I was more than happy to comply. Alas, I wish I could do it more justice.
Notes: A short thing inspired a lot by Book In Figure Blue. The dynamic is different from the one I usually write, but this Hughes is still very much my Hughes.
Title: Scenes From A (Few) Misspent Youth(s) Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist Summary: Roy and Hughes, growing up Notes: I wrote this a really long time ago, and it still very much amuses me, so I'm posting it.