Title: Scenes From A (Few) Misspent Youth(s) Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist Summary: Roy and Hughes, growing up Notes: I wrote this a really long time ago, and it still very much amuses me, so I'm posting it.
It's great to see that you're still in the fandom, even if it's not with a new piece. I was very amused by Hughes' standoffishness in this fic and the two of them are so wonderful friends.
Also, it somehow amuses me muchly that Roy'd follow Maes' decision to enter the military, when you see what happens and how it ends.
Anyhoo. This was a very enjoyable read. <3 Can we expect more from you anytime soon?
Comments 13
Also, it somehow amuses me muchly that Roy'd follow Maes' decision to enter the military, when you see what happens and how it ends.
Anyhoo. This was a very enjoyable read. <3
Can we expect more from you anytime soon?
I've been jumping around fandoms for a little while, but if an FMA plot bunny strikes, I'll definitely write it.
Er, yes, I have more, but it's for an anonymous ficathon type thing, so I can't really say anything about it, lest I give myself away.
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