When I woke up this morning I looked outside the back door to check on Ashe. I always check on her throughout the day when I am home. If I am not at home I look out in the mornings and when I get home and at night before I go to bed.
So Pat had this cooler propped up outside drying out. It was propped up like in a A shape with the lid as one side and the cooler as the other upside down.
Ashe LOVES to get under things. This isn't the first time Pat has done this and she gets underneath it everytime he does it. I wish I had taken a picture of it.
So I get up this morning and look out the window and I don't see Ashe within my vision eyesight. Doesn't necessarily mean that she isn't where I can't see her but it had been raining and so I figured she should be on the porch somewhere.
I noticed the cooler wasn't propped up anymore. The lid had falled away and the cooler was upside down flush to the ground. I thought surely she is not inside that cooler. So I opened the door and I lift the cooler off the ground and there she was LOL. I can only laugh about it because she seemed just as happy as could be and didn't act like she wanted me to move it LOL.
Talked to Pat and he said that it wasn't like that this morning when he got up for work. He said she was sitting in her cage. So she wasn't like that for very long. I can only gather either she bumped it and it fell, or the wind is blowing here some and maybe it knocked the lid down where it fell on her.
I am glad I was off today though I think she would have been happy to sleep there all day. Just would have hated for her not to have food and water.
This picture above was taken a couple of months ago when I tried to save a sick wild bird. It didn't make it :( It was a cool bird. All the years of living here I have never seen one. I was curious of its name and finally found it somehow on the internet. It is called a cedar waxwing. Apparently they are here seasonally. It was really pretty. Had the zorro mask and had yellow tips and red tips on it's wings.
The pic is of Ashe watching over it. She is always intrigued by different things. I think she must be really smart.