Look at what I found at Walmart yesterday.
I have not chewed this nor seen this since I was about 10 years old. I didn't think they even made it anymore. Now it's sugarfree though so I don't know how good it will be.
This is where Guaco slept last night :)
I am not entirely sure how he got up there because I have other pics where he got stuck at the blue carrier as well as a video. I just haven't posted it yet. I have lots of stuff I haven't posted pics and videos of that I need to.
Pat and I went out to eat. By the way we had ANOTHER talk finally and hopefully this time he gets it. I don't know how much more plain I can be about needing affection and spending time together.
Anyway, we left him out while we went to eat because we weren't going to be gone very long. When we came home I couldn't find him anywhere. That usually means he is under the bed.
I was going into the utility room to get the flashlight and Pat was in front of me and he said, "There he is." And there he was LOL. I left him there to sleep all night instead of putting him up. It doesn't get as cold in the laundry room because there isn't a vent in there.
He has developed a new obsession for this blue blanket. He gets on it ALL the time now. I didn't have the heart to move him and left him there all night but he got WAY too cold so I won't do that again. He felt like a popsicle when I got up the next morning. From now on if he isn't on the heating pad it is back to the cage or the laundry room if he happens to be in there.