Yesterday we went to two places we haven't in a while - Pisces Pet Emporium and Parrotdise Perch. Pisces is quite possibly the best pet store in town. It's not a chain, it's nice and big, and they have a huuuuuuge selection of bird stuff. I specifically went there to get a spare cage clip for the extra budgie cage, and forgot to get one. But we did get the Visions bird cage stand for Feisty's cage and it was easy to put together. The little guy is now two feet off the ground - before the cage was on an IKEA Lack table. I also wanted to get a new bird lamp, but they just had the craptacular Avian Sun lamp by Zoo Med. After eight or so years, all I have now is a stick on a base. It never moved from its spot and pieces just broke off randomly. I was so unimpressed with it for the price.
Then we went to Parrotdise Perch, which is in a new, bigger location, but sadly I was disappointed. They mostly only had bird toy parts, cages, snuggle huts, food and that was that. They have a bigger space, but it's so bare. They are a bird free store, BUT they did have a sealed off area where there were some parrots for adoption. I bought Muffin a coil of sisal and braided palm leaves:
I used sisal in one of my homework projects and Muffin went crazy for it, but since it came from the hardware store, I wasn't sure about giving it to him. I cut off a piece - meh! I crinkled up a piece of the Shredders - meh! I sense I will have to use them in a craft project before he gets interested in them :-)
However, I did find a replacement perch for Muffin. He chewed up his small rope perch so badly, but I could only find a medium sized one. His Muffinship cared not for it! Is he a bird or a cat? I dunno sometimes!