Nov 21, 2012 09:02
One year ago today, Dr. Benner at the South Hadley (MA) VCA hospital probably saved Kappa's life by having his office open until 8pm the night before Thanksgiving. (Though had they been closed I would've gone to an e-vet, damn the cost.) I had noticed Kappa behaving a very slight bit strangely: eating a bit less than usual, didn't do her usual nuclear morning poop, she wasn't fluffed up on the bottom of her cage, but as soon as I picked her up she snuggled right next to my neck, fluffed up, and started drowsing, and when I weighed her she weighed in at the low end of her normal range. After 36hrs of these symptoms, I brought her to Dr. Benner, based on my description of her symptoms alone he immediately concluded she had a bacterial infection (he said the symptoms were enough to indicate she was likely sick, and that bacteria are more common in birds [though viruses are more common in humans]) and put her on antibiotics. The culture and sensitivity came back a couple days later, confirming that it was a species of bacteria which would be killed by the antibiotic he had picked. Kappa showed improvement within a day of her first dose. I'm not sure whether she actually liked the flavor of the antibiotic, or if she actually figured out that it was helping, but unlike the first time I'd had to put her on antibiotics, this time by the end of the course she had decided to let me give it to her voluntarily, and she would sit on the door to her cage and let me put the syringe in her mouth and she'd lap it up as I squirted it in.
One year ago Dr. Benner at the VCA in South Hadley saved Kappa's life. Having moved to Wyoming since then, this year I'm traveling for Thanksgiving. There really shouldn't have been any question in my mind on where to board her: she's at the Fort Collins VCA, where apparently she made friends with a couple techs last time, and they're looking forward to playing with her again this time. :)
US Thanksgiving is a time when we celebrate family and the things for which we are grateful. This year I am thankful for veterinarians, vet techs, animal hospitals, boarders, and especially the VCA chain.