Let's get the crappy thing out of the way first. Yesterday, I said to Jazz that if Tuesday was as nice a day as Monday, I was going to spend the whole day filming. So this morning I woke up to go and sign on the dole and the sky was grey and miserable. "Oh well," I thought, "maybe another day." And I walked into town and back again under the same gloomy sky. Then, as soon as I got back in, the sun came out. Bugger! I'm starting to think that God hates me, or if he doesn't hate me then he at least doesn't want to see my film finished.
But four wonderful things happened today that made me really happy.
1. Mum bought me King Kong on DVD yesterday, and to reciprocate I bought her the DVD of Acorn Antiques: The Musical. Just a little random act of kindness. I helped the disabled woman down the road take her wheelie-bin in too, which more or less falls into the same category.
2. I'm acing Sarah's script; 23 pages in one week. It's one of those collaborations where you feel that maybe the stars might have been in a good position when it was first suggested.
3. I got an Easter card from Johan from
Dark Dreams forum! A lovely gesture. I can't really say I have any desire to go back to that place - if only because my life is now too busy for a bustling internet forum - but I'd love to write him a letter or an e-mail or something in return.
4. I met Sconehead! Gavin Burke - if you don't know him, you way skip this part of the post; if you do know him, you'll never forget him. He praised my American Splendor badge, and said he might be presenting a show on BBC Radio Cleveland soon. They'll let anyone on air these days, won't they?