MaryAnn Johanson
loves that old eggy-in-a-basket (phrase copyright pink_sweater_uk. Sob! Meanwhile, the
British critics are a
bit less impressed.
Unimprovable phrase from mum recently; "Granddad says he wants to see that film with that man in it that you don't like, but apparently you're not so keen on it. It's out now."
Katie Holmes' conversion to Xenu's Stepford Wife
appears to be going swimmingly.
A good week for Alice, I would imagine; what's probably her
favourite article of the week chimes so well with what's probably her
favourite headline of the week.
Great story from The Week: a French reporter for a British paper sent a telegram announcing the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in 1914, but in his state of shock he sent it to the sports desk by mistake. Upon seeing the telegram - "ARCHDUC ASSASSINE SARAJEVO" - the editor's face fell. "Not an English horse among the first three", he sighed.