New Spiritualized Album Out Soon, By The Way. Return To Form? I Do Hope So

Mar 09, 2006 09:42

Am I the only person who misses the good old fundamentalist Christians of yesteryear? Now that they're trying to get into mainstream politics, there's so little of this sort of thing (last comment) around.

The feeling I had at the end of the movie says it all for me: Replace ALIENS with DEMONS and the X-Files suddenly becomes prophetic to a degree. A segment of the Christian community believes, as I do, that the government could be planning a UFO HOAX to deceive the whole world and unify it under the Antichrist. Also, we believe that it is no accident that aliens and demons are both portrayed as being reptilian in nature. Knowing that the movie had to do with aliens and government conspiracies, I couldn't help but see it to find out how they handled these issues. A careful study of New Age teachings reveals that they await the coming of the 'Enlightened One', who will perform great signs and wonders. Trance channeling and other demonic practices abound in New Age publications (Perceptions and Nexus magazines, among others) as well as various stories of 'space brothers' and 'trans-dimensional beings' promising to return to Earth and lead us into spiritual 'enlightenment'. Many New Age 'prophets' hold that a reptilian extra-terrestrial will come to Earth and show us the 'Way to Enlightenment'. Antichrist du jour. These publications also cover government conspiracies as well, using that coverage to gain credibility. The X-Files movie plays well to this audience. Like the New Age magazines, the movie tells enough truth to be dangerous. Fortunately, well-studied Christians know better, and need not fear this movie. We recognize the Antichrist when we see him, that old snake. But sadly there are some that do not know that the Antichrist reveals himself BEFORE Messiah returns (II Thess. 2:3-4), so we, as Christ's watchmen, need to use this movie as a catalyst for discussion.

Yes, you do that.

pcms, spiritualized

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